Spiritual and Mental Abuse in Apostolic Christian Church Nazarene in Australia
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Sister Church money

13 Mar 2019 12:12
Can the SISTER Church, ACCA, stop sending funds to the poor eastern european countries, PLEASE!!
Can you not see how its CHANGING the Nazarene Faith?????
STOP IT........!!!!
PLUS, the people collecting the funds for distribution, don't actually distribute it fairly, nor to the poor either.
MANY times it goes to the elders, the ministers and eventually little if any actually get handed to the poor.
I repeat, STOP IT.....
You are damaging the Nazarene Faith, its members, Church practice, Church discipline, Church order & Church Holiness.
The European Elders support you and the LIBERAL ACCN Churches because of you filling their pockets with funds, but do not accept the conservative Nazarene Church members or Nazarene sides that are conservative.

14 Mar 2019 2:40
Can you be a little more specific please? Are these not poor countries that need financial help? How is it damaging to the church practice, discipline, church order etc? Do explain.

Charity money
14 Mar 2019 3:26
Because the elders in Europe don't give the money to the poor! If you have visited these countries especially Ukraine, the elder Yakobets went to buy a combine harvester machine with a suitcase full of money (It was in the thousands) when he handed the money to the salesperson he was surprised and said he never saw this much money in their life. The entire Yakobets family build big houses for their families, and they don't distribute amongst all the brethren especially the poor who are in need. What the sister church is doing is enabling them and causing much division and strife amongst the European members. And another example in Serbia, the elders who collect money from the sister church buy tractors and farming machinery for their own personal profit and don't distribute amongst the poor or those in need. These are only two examples, and there are many more. Advice to the sister church select members and send them to Ukraine and have them distribute money evenly especially to those who are in need. The Bibles says, 'For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.'

elephant in the room
14 Mar 2019 6:48
Talking about the elephant in the room regarding the European money that is given to them by the USA doesn't break the peace because giving money only to one family versus everyone and those in real need causes resentment, bitterness, hatred, and division.
If you look at the Catholic religions in Ukraine, the young ones and older adults are upset and have even stopped going to their church because all the money goes to the pope and the Vatican. It's not right to enable healthy, capable people by giving them money. Yes, it's hard for them to make money based on the available opportunities that they have but how many Americans in the ACCA are living in debt or paycheck to paycheck? How about supporting the Americans?

To: ACCA Committee
14 Mar 2019 11:10
A sister from one of the European churches did not have enough money for food or medication. When it came to a brothers attention that the 'sister church' ACCA money has not been distributed justly and that this poor old sister was struggling, he contacted another local church to complain to another mister. What happened next is that his churches minister reached out to him and scolded him for calling to inquire.

I wonder how much money Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, etc., is receiving each year. If it is in the hundreds and thousands how could it be that there are those poor members who struggle without food and medication?

The ACCA is responsible for the mayhem, and they should send their investigators to go to Ukraine, Romania, Germany, Hungry Slovakia, Serbia, etc., and check to see those ministers and elders in charge of money distribution and also those members from their churches who are appointed to give alms.

A monthly report should also be in place by these Elders and Ministers as to where the money goes, how the money is being distributed and to whom receives the money.

You should also stop trusting the current appointed European church elders and misters. If you visit them, you will be surprised that these members live better than you and your members in the United States of America and most of these members in charge of the money coming in from the ACCA don't even work.

I hope and pray that the ACCA does what is right for both the needy and their church members who donate.

elders or everyone
14 Mar 2019 11:43
the ACCN and sister church memebrs and anyone willing to help, need to give direct to the family and members of the church where they fit and see necessary.

they dont have to give to an elder or elders to distribute according to the bibles teaching.

they can give themselves direct not via the government or elders.

the bible teaches
matthew 25:36
I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.........

each person needs to fulfill this, not only the elders.

each person needs to cloth the needy.

this verse is not referred to elders, but to everyone.

I've seen it
14 Mar 2019 13:18
I've seen it first is true - traveling through some of those countries mentioned above, is an eye opener. There are church members that have amazing houses -dare I say mansions - and in America, I see many members living in crappy apartments paycheck to paycheck... with cholos everywhere..

Especially in Hungary.... There's a crazy amount of church members with beautiful real estate and beautiful new cars. Lexus Audi Mercedes...

There are a bunch of (US$) millionaires in Hungary in those churches.

They could take care of themselves.

Kova?ica Serbia
15 Mar 2019 0:02
Someone from the ACCA should look into the elder from Kova?ica Serbia who drives an expensive car and has tractors, farming machinery, etc., The kind of car he drives not even the president of Serbian drives.

I drive a $4000 car in America, and I cannot afford the kind of car he drives. I have never owned a brand new car, and I work long hours to pay my bills. But I sleep very well because I earn that money with my own hands, so I believe that God has blessed me abundantly even with my $4000 car.

The culture that the ACCA has created in Europe is a separation between Rich from very Poor. They even talk amongst themselves and say this person accepts money from the sister church (ACCA).

I wonder what the younger generation is going to do when they grow up. Especially those whos middle-aged fathers sit and home with their wives making babies, not working and collecting money from the ACCA. Are they going to say, 'when I grow up I'm going to be like my dad and take money from the sister church, sit home and be a minster'?

Kova?ica Serbia
15 Mar 2019 0:02
Someone from the ACCA should look into the elder from Kova?ica Serbia who drives an expensive car and has tractors, farming machinery, etc., The kind of car he drives not even the president of Serbian drives.

I drive a $4000 car in America, and I cannot afford the kind of car he drives. I have never owned a brand new car, and I work long hours to pay my bills. But I sleep very well because I earn that money with my own hands, so I believe that God has blessed me abundantly even with my $4000 car.

The culture that the ACCA has created in Europe is a separation between Rich from very Poor. They even talk amongst themselves and say this person accepts money from the sister church (ACCA).

I wonder what the younger generation is going to do when they grow up. Especially those whos middle-aged fathers sit and home with their wives making babies, not working and collecting money from the ACCA. Are they going to say, 'when I grow up I'm going to be like my dad and take money from the sister church, sit home and be a minster'?

money money
15 Mar 2019 9:38
is this that Andrei Murtin that had a bank check in his hand given by george bodjanac in the novi sad church in 2015, during the wedding service of that romanian guy and the serbian lela demrovski girl?
I think it was 2015.....and this murtin elder holding the check shame!

15 Mar 2019 12:46
It's not charity. They are getting a salary. The cost of living is much cheaper in Europe, and they don't have the expenses that the Americans have.

It's a blessing to give - no doubt. But make sure that you are not creating problems for those members at those churches who observe certain elders and misters and their families advance without working hard. It is unfair to a member who barely has money to pay for gas to attend church to see an expensive car belonging to an Edler parked in the parking lot.

If you are going to be giving certain members salaries, provide them with work too. People feel better when they earn money. When you start presenting cash to someone who hasnt' worked for it, they become entitled. They want more.

If you had to work for 30 dollars a day and someone gave you $3000 to give to charities. Would you keep most of it and only provide a small portion to someone in need? (I don't know) It seems like that is what is happening. I hope someone investigates all European churches who receive church donations.

to money money
16 Mar 2019 3:13
Why was Murtin waving a check in front of the married couple.
who was the check for? Do explain.

Folks you cannot make this stuff up. Corruption at its highest. Andrei Murtin from Kovacica filling his pockets up first and then gives the left over crumbs to the poor. And as we have heard from others, some of the poor do not even get anything.
The sister church made a big mistake in giving all that money to the hands of corrupted elders.
so wearing a tie is a sin but taking food and heat from the poor and pocketing as much as you can to yourself is righteous? Andrei Murtin should be called out on this by his church members.

not so
16 Mar 2019 7:13
Serbian Elders rejected any help from the national acca! So stop spreading these untjruths! Murtin is son inlaw of Elder Golob, They made their wealth in farming Long algo, so they did not need money from donations from overseas! woe to those who reward evil for good! why have you such an eveil eye?

for not so
16 Mar 2019 7:49
get your facts straight. it was only recently that Serbian elders stopped receiving acca funds. that is after the head honchos stocked up and made sure they were set for life. yeah easy to play holy now and kick the acca out after their pockets were filled.

To: not so
16 Mar 2019 8:48
You cannot justify those expensive machineries, combine equipment, new car with old money from farming. It is not possible! If you look at everyone, who handles the ACCN money that is given to them from donations they are well off.

If you don’t believe this go to Europe (any of the countries mentioned) and talk to members who are not on the treasury and who don’t receive the money.

You comment ‘woe to those who reward evil for good!’ means absolutely nothing. The ACCA is being generous enough to help Europe but supporting certain families succeed while others struggle is not a blessing. You cannot justify that because there are a lot of people in poverty.

It’s better if the ACCA stopped giving money. God always looks out for his children, so their money is not benefiting anyone but corruption.

To: for not so
16 Mar 2019 9:17
100%! Members on the treasury are set for life!

One of the ACCN elders who receive money in Serbia from the ACCA is known to brag about how holy and orderly the sister church is to his church members who don't receive help from the ACCA.

The ACCA is doing them a disservice by helping them prosper without working hard to earn their money.

work for it
16 Mar 2019 11:34
2 Thessalonians 3:10

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

it cannot get much simpler.

giving help is good where needed.

but, giving to spoil is not help.

Proverbs 10:4
Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.

1 Samuel 2:7
The LORD sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts.

Proverbs 29:21
If you give your servants everything they want from childhood on, some day they will take over everything you own.

not so
17 Mar 2019 5:35
I got my facts right! I was presenta in Elder Brother Milos Golub's house,as guest,at that time he showed me his expensive car and all kinds of combines! that is 27 years ago. Yes he had deligent hands, and the Lords Blessings! So give credit where credit is due, and all Glory to God for these Blessings, even the poor, so we might show love by helping the last of his! Stopping the help for the poor, just because there are some who have things, will not make the ones who have less Richter, but will make the have nots, more needy! Go to Arad, see how Antioc,distributes to needy, before you call for a halt to all help there! You can never outgive God! So if God has put it in your heart to give, do not listen to voices who tell you otherwise, you know where they come from!

To: not so
17 Mar 2019 9:58
Your comment doesn't make sense because you were in his home 27 years ago. Have you seen his new equipment?

21 Mar 2019 10:00
I have to give you a warning, many Nazarene folks in Serbia are hard-working farmers and fairly prosperous. They do not waste their money on pubs and cigarettes, as it often goes among the non-believers. So they do have cars and machinery, and that's fine. Don't be too quick to pass the judgement.

21 Mar 2019 12:04
Finally someone with a little sense. Thank you to the moderator. No one here is stealing money.

21 Mar 2019 12:10
I don't think Serbia would be a problem. I don't know about Ukraine and elsewhere. In any case the social welfare system in those countries can't provide for poor people and they definitely need some help.

21 Mar 2019 19:38
giving help is good where needed.

but, giving to spoil is not help.

Andrej Murtin
27 Sep 2021 19:41
Dragi komentatori.
Da se obratim licno, posto sam procitao ovih dana pisanje na ovom sajtu. Trazio sam na netu neke podatke za Nazarene i u ponudi bio ovaj sajt. Procitao sam uvece o ponekim temama i zalosno je sta se ovde pise!! Moderator ovog sajta bi trebao da izbrise sajt(ako je veran), jer ovo sto se ovde pise nikako nije po veri.Da ne citiram, poznato vam je to.Ako nece da izbrise, da promeni nacin pisanja. Svako ko zeli pisati, komentarisati da stoji njegovo ime i prezime ispred ili ispod komentara.
Da ja napisem, posto se ovde ja spominjem.
Ko je god pisao, verujem da u neznanju pravih cinjenica napisani su ovde poneki komentari. Ja Vam oprastam iz srca. Pisete u neznanju. Ako zelite da znate pravo stanje moje imovine i sta posedujem, ja cu sad napisati a ako neko zeli, slobodno neka dode i proveri ja cu ga rado primiti i ugostiti.
Pisete da posedujem skupocene automobile?
Posedujem vec 11 godina automobil:
CITROEN EVASION 2.0 HDI, proizveden 2001 godine. Moja supruga na njeno ime ima CITROEN C4 proizveden 2005 godine a u nejnom vlasnistvu 7 godina.Ova dva automobila su porodicna na raspolaganju meni, supruzi i cetvoro deci koji jos zive sa mnom u kuci. Posedujem mali traktor ZETOR 5011 proizveden 1983 godine koji ja jako malo koristim vec moja rodena braca koja se bave poljoprivredom.Nista vise od mehanizacije niti kombajna posedujem.Cek koji spomionjete,da je dao brat Duro meni i ja mahao nekim... ja za to ne znam, meni brat Dura nije dao. Imam 3 sina koji vec ne zive sa mnom u kuci, ozenjeni su.Posedujem vulkanizersku radionicu na svom imanju koju smo porodicno gradili vise od 15 godina i jos uvek se dokupljuje, popunjava.A pocetak ovog zanimanja sa kupovinom komplet masina za ovaj posao ulog je bio 1400 eura (masine stare ali jos su bile u funkciji)
Najstariji sin (26 godina)koji radi od svojih 18 godina, ozenio se pre godinu dana ima staru kucu 90m/2,koju je kupio na kredit a vrednost joj bila 13.500 eura.Renovirali smo sami sa Boziom pomocu, da ne placamo majstore i osposobili za stanovanje.
On je sad (pre 30-40 dana) kupio prvi auto (do tada nije imao). Auto je proizveden 2008 godine.
Drugi sin (24 godina)koji je ozenjen nedavno, zivi pod kirijom, nema kucu. I on je sada,(posle zenidbe) kupio auto isto polovan, star 8 godina. Zavrsio fakultet sve na vreme ni jedan ispit nije odlagao (geodeziju- Geometar),ucenik generacije u srednjoj tehnickoj skoli, sad zavrsava master studije (zavrsni ispit). Radi vec dve godine u svojoj struci.
Treci sin (22 godine) ucenik generacije u srednjoj masinskoj skoli. Dok je isao u skolu isao na praksu i radio preko raspusta i subotom kod privatnog automehanicara gde je zardadivao svoj novac i od tog novca poceo kupovati sebi alat za automehanicara (imao 15-16 godina). Jos i danas dolaze iz te radnje ljudi i pricaju kako je on poceo, iz skole sa torbom sa knjigama na ledima i u radnju kupuje alat za sebe kao buduceg majstora. Danas ima zajedno sa mnom radionicu ( vulkanizer, automehanicar). Nema kucu, zivi privremeno kod mog tate (87 godina bolestan) i mog brata koji je neozenjen.On poseduje auto CITROEN C5 karavan 2.0HDI. star 7 godina.
Evo braco,ovo ste mogli saznati, ako vas interesuje, i bez pisanja na ovom sajtu.
Sto se tice raspodele pomoci od sestrinske skupstine.
Od njih ne primamo vec nekoliko godina pomoc. Dok smo primali radeno je preko racuna banke gde je ovlascen jedan brat blagajnik (koji nije staresina ni pomocnik). Svaki dolar koji je uplacen i isplacen je zabelezen od starne knjigovode (nije staresina ni pomocnik), sva evidencija postoji i do danas, koja je svake godine slata i sestrinskoj skupstini. Takode lekovi se dobijaju direktno i do danas u apoteci ali sa receptom za navedeni lek od lekara. Apoteka izdaje lek a mesecno salje racun koji isplatimo na njihov konto.Ako neko zeli neki uvid u konkretno neka sredstva, moze doci i pogledati, licno.

Sto se tice mog tasta,Golub Milosa, zalosno da prozivate coveka od 90 godina na takav nacin. On ne poseduje ni jedan traktor ili kombajn. Svu imovinu je dao sinu pre 27 godina koji ne ide u skupstinu vec 25-26 godina. Sin je kupovao mehanizaciju i sirio svoju proizvodnju posle osamostaljenja, nema tamo ni dinara od strane neke pomoci u to sam siguran. Proverite.

S postovanjem i pozdravom.
Ondrej Murtin

13 Oct 2021 16:28
Dragi brate u Hristu:

1. Iz dosadašnjeg životnog iskustva znam da je onaj ko sebe smatra vrlo vernim, a sve druge nevernim - u stvari vrlo malo veran.

2. Kad bi se problemi rešavali unutar skupština, na otvoren i bratski nacin, ne bi niko dolazio da piše na ovom sajtu niti bi ovaj sajt uopšte postojao.

3. Oko raspodele pomoci iz inostranstva uvek je u Srbiji bilo rasprave, nije to ništa novo. Ljudi na ovom sajtu imaju priliku da kažu šta im je na srcu, drugi opet da na to odgovore, ako misle da nešto nije tacno, itd. I tebi je dopušteno da ovde kažeš šta misliš jednako kao i svima ostalima iz celog sveta. Evo, ti si svoje pravo iskoristio, zašto i drugi ne bi imali to isto pravo?

4. Ovaj sajt ne traži od bilo koga da se predstavi imenom, a onaj ko to ucini tako je sam odlucio. Nije nikakav problem, može i tako.

Pozdrav u Gospodu.

13 Oct 2021 22:27
Luka 18gl, 9stih

A i drugima koji mišljahu za sebe da su pravednici i druge uništavahu kaza pri?u ovu: ..........itd

14 Oct 2021 0:56
I'd be interested in the English translation if possible.

14 Oct 2021 13:29
find a serbian member to translate it
it might be easier and quicker

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