Spiritual and Mental Abuse in Apostolic Christian Church Nazarene in Australia
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ACCN Forum | Matthew 18 ACCN Forum
Matthew 18

That Guy
26 Jun 2019 16:44
I need to be honest, in that I feel like most of the comments on this site are posted by people who haven't followed what Matthew 18 says about approaching a brother if you have a problem. It doesn't say that if you have a problem but someone else has the same problem and they approach the person that you dont need to approach them. It gives no such exemption. I don't appreciate all the ungodly things being spoken- if you want to be an example of Christ... Even if an elder or minister has or might have done something bad that doesn't give anyone the permission in God's eyes to not follow what He says.

26 Jun 2019 16:55
>>Even if an elder or minister has or might have done something bad that doesn't give anyone the permission in God's eyes to not follow what He says.


exactly right
26 Jun 2019 18:52
Even if an elder or minister has or might have done something bad that doesn't give anyone the permission in God's eyes to not follow what He says.

exactly right!!

that means if any minister or elder has committed a sin, any member needs to approach that minister or elder in sin, and apply Matthew 18:15-17 towards that minster or elder.

exactly right!!!!!

to that guy
26 Jun 2019 23:34
are apostles higher in rank them elders today?
i would say, we all believe so.
so, if that is the case, then lets study the bible what the apostles stated, about THEMSELVES.
1). galatians 1
8. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
10. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

its very clear here, that the apostles did not seek obedience, nor unconditional respect nor any other deceived concept of approved wisdom or acknowledgement.....

its coming from the for yourself slowly and carefully....."But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you............"

they put themselves FIRST.....think about it.

can any elder openly repeat these words to the Church???

if anyone heard, or hears this come from an elder, can you please forward their name, surname, phone number, address, contact details.....etc

i would like to meet him.

many thanks

1 Timothy 5:17 states:
Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour......
read refers to those elders that rule well, not to all elders, nor unconditional honour.

Deuteronomy 18: 20 states:
But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have NOT commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of OTHER gods, even that prophet shall DIE.
read carefully......prophets can speak in their own name, rather in Gods name, and here we are NOT allowed to obey them, follow them, respect them, honour them, acknowledge them in this error of sin.

all unconditional obedience ONLY goes to God and His Word.
man is not in align with God, and to "That Guy" in the first comment in this forum, don't try and influence your unbiblical deceit, baloney and foolish gibberish.

27 Jun 2019 4:58
This last comment accuses ‘That Guy’ of attempting to bring in “unbiblical deceit, baloney and foolish gibberish.” I’m not ‘That Guy,’ but I think there might be a slight misunderstanding as to what he said, particularly with his last sentence. He wrote:

“Even if an elder or minister has or might have done something bad that doesn't give anyone the permission in God's eyes to not follow what He says.”

I don’t think ‘That Guy’ is saying that someone should follow an elder or minister if he is corrupt. Notice that he’s capitalized the word “He” (second to last word). In other words, the sentence could be rewritten like this:

“Even if an elder or minister has or might have done something bad that doesn't give anyone the permission in God's eyes to not follow what God says.”

I think he’s saying that if an elder or minister has sinned… then the sheep need obey what He (God) says to do, and apply Matthew 18. If I understand him correctly, I think his point is that making comments in this forum doesn’t constitute following Matthew 18. Perhaps ‘That Guy’ will clarify further if I’m mistaken.

To that guy
27 Jun 2019 7:53
Can you also verify or confirm if the people commenting on this website have following the steps in the Bible to confront these leaders? Because if you can't, then your comment is an assumption that these steps were not taken.

27 Jun 2019 10:28
I am commenting (for the first time) to the three? user names "That Guy", "to that guy" and "To that guy".

I did follow Matthew 18 when my husband and I were falsely accused by our local elder, and brought before the church (without being told why). In trying to resolve this, we were instructed to go to the elder committee (a non scriptural entity) to judge the matter. That failed and then we requested the elder body to have someone unbiased to come and judge the matter. We were denied. We resorted to this because we were not permitted to bring this before the local church (which is scriptural).

It seems to me, based on my experience, that the elders in acc cannot be brought before the local congregation when the matter to be judged involves them.

It is sad, but understandable, that this website is a platform for some to voice their unjust treatment by leadership because Matthew 18 is not fully implemented when leadership commits a trespass. Been there done that. My comment is based on facts not assumptions.

27 Jun 2019 10:42
>>I did follow Matthew 18 when my husband and I were falsely accused by our local elder

What is this local elder's name?

To: Diane
27 Jun 2019 10:48
Thank you for your comment, I totally agree with you that the elders will not go before the church to answer for their wrong actions.

"Been there done that." Liked

to diana
27 Jun 2019 11:03
You are 100% accurate. When you confront the elders, they look at you like how dare you to challenge their authority. They will twist everything to serve their needs and who they want to protect.

I am very discouraged with the ACCN and the elders. They are people you should NEVER trust. They lie and try to make you accountable for other peoples actions and use the Bible when it suitable for their needs.

27 Jun 2019 12:13
For those readers who want to contact this website privately, please use our e-mail:

wondering fr/Canada
27 Jun 2019 12:26
Why is everyone surprised by all this???? Open your bleepin eyes!!! You have these so called leaders elected by majority vote based on popularity, friendships, family connections, a desperate local congregation, ability to speak from the pulpit, choice of the best of the worst, pressure from serving elder to get out of town and stick in someone local...and you wonder???? NONE are elected by the methods in The Book of Acts by drawing lots. Why? Our faith in this biblical tenant is crap!!! From bordering on Criminal like Paul Pentsa, to a smiling arrogant fakeness like Dragolovic, to a rude uppity detached attitude from Kurtz, fake multi-faced loser and corrupt like Nickolson, Weinhardt and Tomic who embarrassingly didn't have a clue about their own flock (resulting in 40% leaving the local church, Kuciscki Kitchener, (are you kidding?) Freunds who believe in their God given entitled-ness to be elders like the 'old man', Igic Vista who, and the church, is run by his rude, stupid, gossipy wife who 'wears the pants' and on and on and on. So much sh..t is tolerated any wonder why things are as they are and this website was born? Slimey digbats like the Stephans are given birth to by this garbage type oversight by these empty vessel type leadership wannabees. Many hold the name, precious few are worthy to hold the mantle.

done well Diane
27 Jun 2019 20:09
to: Diane from Canada.

I would like to take time to say "thank you" and "praise your efforts" in following the Biblical teaching in Matthew 18.

It is VERY rare to hear ANYONE doing exactly how and what the Bible is teaching here in those verses.

Thank God that there are members awake and spiritually minded in following the strict criteria we all need to fulfil.

Dont be offended, as there were false apostles 2000 years ago.
What are we supposed to say today?????
There were false prophets 2000 years ago.
What do we say today?

1 John 4
1. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

2 Corinthians 11:
13. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

the church
28 Jun 2019 1:19
The biggest issue with the leadership is that they have taken the church 'the mother' out of the equation. The elders don't care about the flock. They do like traveling, getting respect, attention, and to be hosted with food and treated well.

To moderator w/fr/Ca
28 Jun 2019 2:46
Why are you asking for the local elders name? If it is who I think it is he's already been beaten with many stripes and I think he's learned a lot and grown a lot from this experience which is more than I can say with many other elders. I would classify him is a very good speaker with a good heart, and generous where he's asked to help. An average leader, naive in certain things, likes control and micro-management, and not the greatest in conflict resolution. If Paul Pentsa is a 0 out of 10, and Nicholson is a 3, this man would be 6 or 7.

28 Jun 2019 9:45
We still want to know his name.

Everyone's got a name, right? Elders should not be hiding theirs.

28 Jun 2019 23:56
the bible warns us from a lot of things

the bible counsels us with a lot of things

the bible instructs us in a lot of aspects

the bible openly helps us understand who NOT to fear, but to be aware when you are around them, or when they are around you....


one thing it states, is to beware of men.........

........beware of evil workers..........

this is (1) reason why people would like to know the elders name.

beware means:
to be very careful about something or someone, as a sign that something or someone is dangerous.

to be blameless
29 Jun 2019 1:12
If Paul Pentsa is a 0 out of 10, and Nicholson is a 3, this man would be 6 or 7.

elders need to have a score of 10 out of 10.

1 Timothy 3:2
A bishop then must be blameless.........

blameless means:
not responsible for anything bad

29 Jun 2019 11:41
How many members of this church have heard ministers who preach loudly, shout, and even get red in the face when they teach?

I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but what is the point of preaching to members if you yourselves can't questions these elders?

I don't understand what was the purpose to close down a church and kick members out? There were children and elderly that got abused. Why?

... 550K

no achievement
29 Jun 2019 20:32
no point was achieved by the sale.
nobody gained or won anything by the sale.
the church could have been used by either group, now NEITHER can or will use it.
the devil is laughing
shame on the thieves and covetous workers.
repent from the sin of stealing and idolatry of covetousness while God gives you breath.

not good enough
30 Jun 2019 1:15
re comment:
If it is who I think it is he's already been beaten with many stripes and I think he's learned a lot and grown a lot from this experience

that is not good enough.

Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes.

..........but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished.

has this occurred to this elder?

did he get a measure of discipline?

if not, its not complete.
this needs to happen in Church, in front of the Church, not behinds closed doors, and with the elder committee's corruptness.

was Matt 18:15-17 re. 'tell the church' been accomplished?

doesn't seem like it.

if it has, what level of discipline did this elder get?

To Moderator
30 Jun 2019 2:24
Are you for real Moderator? Why would you want to know the Elders name? Do you reveal your name or the names of all who abuse on this site, like the one from previous comments, "wondering fr. Canada" who uses swear or profane words to describe "His" displeasure with the Elders and his church, if he/she has one at all! What are his/her problems with the Elders? With such an ungodly talk, would you be surprised if the Elders did deal with him/her in a disciplinary way? How will you stand before the Lord on the last day? What will you here the Lord say to you? Will it be. "Well done good and faithful servant? or will it be, Depart from me, I know you not? You see the Lord will not ask us about other peoples lives, but he will ask us about our lives on this earth, how we kept our garments, are they white and spotless,or are they defiled by ungodly and sinful living that no one has a right to admonish you about in this life, because you became hard of hearing and became a "reprobate" left for judgement! Examine yourselves, not others!

To the comment above
30 Jun 2019 6:30
It sounds like you are either an elder or know of this elder and are defending the elder in question. I don't care for the elder's name.

What I do want from you is understanding, please show me where in the New Testament it is written that an elder can sin and be not accountable before God and before the church?

If the ACCN elders base themselves on the Old Testament story of King David who made a grave sin and was forgiven by God, you should know that we don't live in the times of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Nowhere in the New Testament does it say that a man can sin and he is spotless because he is an elder. We live in the New Testament time, where it is written that nothing unclean will enter into the kingdom of heaven.

The elder in Canada who offended this family needs to ask himself how will he face God on judgment day. He should fix the problem while he still has a chance.

To: That Guy
30 Jun 2019 8:05
Be specific, what ungodly things have been posted here?

30 Jun 2019 10:50
No it does not allows anyone to commit sin and and to not deal with it and confess, repent, and if posible make restoration! Whether an Elder, minister, or lay brother or sister! If it is not taken card of now, then it will be on the final day, but without mercy! Peter writes, that judgment will start at the house of God, and if it first started with us, where will the siners and unbelievers be, if the riteous are scarcly saved! So Peter included himself in the judgment possibility, No one is exempt from that.But we have this comfort,that our Lord is a just in his judgments, He doesn,t respect a person, whether Elders or any family members, all will be judged early. As a Matter of fact, to whom much has been given, of them much will be requiered, so Elders will be dealth with more severo with by the Lord! The question is, has this Elder made right where he wronged? if yes, let it rest!

30 Jun 2019 11:42
RE:The question is, has this Elder made right where he wronged? if yes, let it rest!

Yeah,,,, and if the elder has not made right, then what?

To: That Guy
30 Jun 2019 12:01
RE:I don't appreciate all the ungodly things being spoken- if you want to be an example of Christ...

Let's just say the the ungodly have been revealed on this website!

1 Jul 2019 3:36
RE: Even if an elder or minister has or might have done something bad that doesn't give anyone the permission in God's eyes to not follow what He says.

People like David Nikolson, Petar and Doral Stefan and Paul Pentsa need to be locked up in JAIL!!! but they float around visiting churches pretending to be holy, lying to people to cover up their own criminal activity.

To, That Guy what advice do you think these criminals can give you?
Perhaps these crooks can teach you to be like them.

1 Jul 2019 4:02
And to you ACCN elders who helped the Stefan family, you know who you are. SHAME ON YOU!

1 Jul 2019 11:47
The question is, has this Elder made right where he wronged? if yes, let it rest!

no he hasn't if he did apologise before the church.
no he hasn't if the church didn't prepare disciplinary action for his sin.

1 Tim.5:19
Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

this is not written to be ignored.

when and how was this conducted?


but when a member commits, then its brought before the church, but when its an elder, the elder committee cover it up.

where does the bible talk about elder committee's?
where in the bible talks about elders deal with elders' sins, not the church?

elders excluded?
1 Jul 2019 12:14
But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

does this exclude elders?

where or when did ANY elder received disciplinary action on their sin?

meaning: confessing the sin before the church, and accepting the level and measure of punishment due for their sin?

please supply name, date, church address and details of any case...

1 Jul 2019 12:50
after reading all this it really looks like a large portion of the membership just wants to leave the church because of all the craziness, and it also looks like the accn is a failure of a faith/religion!It's so sad to see that the accn has left itself in the 18th century regarding religion meanwhile we are in 2019... what a crazy church/cult! Come on everybody lets abandon ship while we still can! Let the elders and crazies who remain sort it all out! Get out of this toxic relationship!

dont be offended
1 Jul 2019 13:30
the church and its members can bring elders in disciplinary actions for their sin, IF THEY ARE SPIRITUAL AND WILLING to act according to matthew 18: 15-17


many are spiritually sick and sleeping

1 Cor.11:30
For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

Psalm 119:165
Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble.

1 Peter 5:8
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons,

1 Corinthians 10:32
Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God,

2 Timothy 4:3
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,

James 1:19
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;

John 16:
1. All this I have told you so that you will not fall away.
2. They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.
3. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me

To: anonymous
1 Jul 2019 13:42
First off, you should not encourage people to abandon their faith. Making a statement such as, 'looks like a large portion of the membership just wants to leave the church because of all the craziness,' I would disagree. You should look at yourself and if you want to abandon ship, 'while we still can' whatever that means then you make that decision on your own.
We have the freedom to serve God and believe in our faith. What do you believe? Are you unhappy? What is going on with you? Are you also offended by the church?

Lack of knowledge
1 Jul 2019 18:43

1. The lack of Knowledge + Religion = Terrorism ...

2. The lack of knowledge + Power = Despotism or Tyranny ...

In overall ,the "lack of the knowledge" is the root of every evil ,causing toxic -relationships ...

Needs a "revival" after 200 sleepy years ...

crucial to remember
1 Jul 2019 22:51
1 Tim.5:24

Remember, the sins of some people are obvious, leading them to certain judgment. But there are others whose sins will not be revealed until later.

do not forget
1 Jul 2019 22:54
Hebrews 10: 26 & 29

26. For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

29. Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

1 Jul 2019 23:50
The faith and the Bible stay the same for Christians, and we are to keep the truth. Only some of the elders have become a big mafia group and use the church to protect themselves, leaders in the ACCN like, Paul Pentsa, David Nikolson, Matei Augustino, Mark Meister, Dushko Dragoilovich, and Willie Kurtz.

Matei Augustino brought his brother to this country under a false identity. Giving his green card and passport to his brother is a crime punishable by law, and he could serve jail time.  But this elder will not stop talking bad about those members that were kicked out of the church by the Stefan's, David Nikolson, and supported by the ACCN committee.


Could it be that he doesn't have empathy, love, kindness, etc., He is traveling to Europe to lie more against the Columbia Station members to protect David Nikolson and the ACCN committee.

Why are the ACCN elders/ committee still supporting these thieves? Do they not fear God? 

they dont fear God
2 Jul 2019 0:21
no, they do not fear God.

this is how the Bible proves it.

The fear of the LORD is to hate evil.....

they dont hate the evil (by doing the evil), this is why they do not fear the Lord.

- is locking the church doors so others cannot enter the Church love or hatred?
- is selling Gods Church when the members disagree on selling it, love or hatred
- is taking over ownership of a Church to be your own property that doesnt only belong to you, love or hatred?

evil means:
- the condition of being immoral, cruel, or morally bad

hate means:
- to strongly dislike someone or something very much

2 Jul 2019 1:18
If going to church and reading the bible did not change the criminals hearts, then jail time might be good for them!

lets go jail term
2 Jul 2019 2:04
many were imprisoned for the faith, and later on in life changed their belief on the grounds of their prison term.

elder george bodjanac is one of them.

visiting a serbian gathering with a cross, and upholding and supporting the congregation that married/marries outside of the nazarene faith, where he was in prison as a nazarene, and now he denies it with his actions.....practicing, upholding and supporting fraternization.


some were not in prison long enough, or going in prison for a different reason may bring more sense to certain people.

To, Matei Austovinov
2 Jul 2019 14:35
s? v? fie ru?ine

Matei, when do you plan to be in Europe? Does someone know when the European elders meeting will be and where?

Re to M A
3 Jul 2019 2:37
He had a stop over in Toronto yesterday July 1st then a late flight to Europe so he must be there today. What does it matter so much this guy is a lightweight.

W fr Can
3 Jul 2019 2:58
to:Are you for real Moderator?

I didn't use swear words or profanity - but I did allude to them. Angry words yes, sinful words no. Did I take God's name in vain? Or threaten anyone?

Looks like the truth got under your skin. Maybe you are an
unworthy elder who's ashamed and feeling guilty but doesn't have the courage to do what's right.

And for that you refer to a reprobate mind??? Don't be a fool. Read Romans chapter 1 to understand that before you pronounce your judgement on someone you don't even know.

And as far as elders handing out discipline,sorry that ship has largely sailed. They have lost so much respect many would not accept the discipline and simply leave the ACCN. A very common and accepted practice these days.

Why lie?
3 Jul 2019 5:31
Matei Augustinov lied in Ukraine saying that he didn't know that the Columbia Station church is sold and said that even David Nikolson doesn't know.

Matei is not honest. He will not put on paper why the members that were targeted and discriminated against were disciplined and continues to spread lies about them.

When the Ukraine elders asked Matei if the Columbia Station church was sold, he said that he doesn't know that and he didn't hear that.

Matei just stop lying. George Zula called you as soon as it was posted online that the Columbia Station church was sold.

Why did you lie to the Ukraine elders?

To: Canada
3 Jul 2019 7:41
Thank you for saying that Matei is in Europe. It is very important to know this because one lightweight can spread a lot of lies, and people who don't question lies believe them.

It would be amazing to meet Matei face to face before the European elder assembly, and I to have Matei tell me in front of all of them the things that he accuses me of and not just talk behind my back.

To: Matei Augustinov
3 Jul 2019 8:22
The Hungarian elders in 2018 told Matei Augustinov that the American ACCN elders need to fix the Columbia Station church issue and the Ilya Prediy split group that broke away from the Magda Cleveland Romanian Church.

Matei and the ACCN elders have not fixed anything. The only thing that they have done is lied to the European elders, and they continue to lie. Matei says that he is oblivious to the Columbia Station church being sold and ignores the situation by saying that he does not want to ever talk about the Columbia Station church members again when he is questioned.

As far as the Ilya Prediy group, we are not sure if they have reached a resolution with the ACCN elders. Perhaps someone can explain better about Ilya Prediy's split group. Where are they attending? Did they buy a building? Who is their elder?

4 Jul 2019 3:13
to W/fr.Can!
Have you not passed judgement on Elders you do not know? what do we call people like That? It started H.
So if the show fits,wear it. Your words are not seasoned with salt, they do not give grace to the hearer! but rude

To Really
4 Jul 2019 4:13
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Matthew 7:16?

Also read revelations chapter 2 and 3 and see how many times the Apostle John writes speaking the words of Jesus: I know thy works.

All the elders I've ever mentioned I know quite well and have dealt with them. I know their works as do many many others. I cannot say a single word about most of the elders from Australia and Europe in many in the US because I don't know them I've never dealt with them and to give my opinion or pass judgement on them or their works would be wrong.

Is it seasoned with enough salt for you now?

So go ahead and label me a hypocrite - so painfully out of context and ignorant. No admonishing or correction is going to give 'grace' to the recipient which you are also using out of context.

And while I am responding to you one last time - I will graciously give you the last word - there are some elders both past and present that I would speak very highly of and I respect very much. Of course not everyone thinks the same and some might think that I'm completely out to lunch with my opinions but beyond leaning on God's Word and my oft imperfect attempts to live it, understand it and to apply it - I am willing to stand corrected at a moment's notice.

not so
4 Jul 2019 10:01
How can some of you allow yourselves to write false accusations and call certain Elders, criminals, or near criminals who should be locked up? What proof have you that they did these "deeds or crimes" worthy of prison? If you claim to know them personally, did you approach them and tell them their sin? Or you just believe the many false accusations and condem them as guilty? Were those words written in vain, "Speak not evil one of another!" I am sure that if you were to apply the biblical way in love,you would gain your brother, and sabe them from Satans trap.

To: Not so
4 Jul 2019 10:16
Who are you trying to gain? You want proof get off this website and start calling the ACCN elders for answers.

1 Peter 4:15-16 King James Version (KJV)
15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters

no partiality
4 Jul 2019 21:55
people that choose to obey elders unconditionally, always find a way to water down fact on the sins of the elders.

until elders mistreat them, they choose to not want to see or know, but when they are attacked, then they start to jump.

it too late then.

when one member suffers, the others needs to stand for justice, not only when i am mistreated, then i will stand up for justice.

such a simple trap so many people choose to want to fall in.

accuse means:
to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind.

this is not false accusations, its true facts thats in question.

partiality means:
- an unfair preference for one person or group over another.
- the fact of unfairly preferring or approving of something.

1 Tim.5:21
I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality.

5 Jul 2019 5:50
"Against an elder receive not an accusation except it be before two or three witnesses"
Have these instructions been carried out?
What have these Elders done that are true and proven that they have done something "morally wrong,illegal, and or unkind and sinful", please specify and give actual proof and details, not just hearsay gossip! It is easy to follow the mob and cry "away with them", but we know what happens in such times, no rationing, just revenge for personal reasons.
"Judge nothing before time, God will bring all things to light at the day of Judgement, when every mans thoughts and hidden things will be brought to light." The accuser of the brethren has been cast down on this earth, he sows his seed even among God's people.

5 Jul 2019 6:20
RE: God will bring all things to light at the day of Judgement, when every mans thoughts and hidden things will be brought to light."

Amen God has brought the elders corruption to light!

To: accusations/elde
5 Jul 2019 6:38
Have not read the depositions, heard the court tapes, read the comments on this website? If you have not, why are you commenting based on your thoughts and biblical verses?

Don't mention the Bible or verses. These elders don't follow the Bible only when it suits them. That goes the same for you. Stop mentioning the Bible. Stop judging people. You did not walk in the shoes of those who have suffered in the hands of these elders. So STOP.

Re Above
5 Jul 2019 9:12
If you are offended at the Bible being quoted, it shows what then guides you, The Bible says, Thy word is a light unto my feet, yet you request that His light be not mentioned! Is it because it pricks you that you are easy to judge others, but if the word judges you, you will have it put behind your back! Read Psalms 50/17 "For you hate discipline, and you cast my words behind you......19 You give your mouth free rein for evil, and your tongue frames deceit.20 You sit and speak against your brother; you slander your own mother's son."
Are not the Elders your brothers also? Should we believe all that is posted on this site???Even the many slanders and false testimonies? If that is your only answer, I pity you, for you are so wrong and blind, you have put aside the Word of God, for your agenda, to smear the Elders! Where in the writing of Accusations/elders do you see that judgement was passed on anyone? There were questions put so we can understand what sins you are talking about! The many Elders mentioned in previous comments have nothing to do with "depositions, or Court Tapes", As for those who were involved with Colombia Station, Has the Courts, or for that matter, the Church, found any of the Elders Sinning? Or Is it that you are sore that the church was sold and the Elders did nothing to Go against what the courts verdict was?
So do not put all Elders accountable for the lack of actions of a few!
To every dispute, there are more sides to the story, You hold yours to be absolute truth, but is it?

So, No I will not stop quoting and using the Bible, We sing,

"We will not leave the Bible, For pleasure or for pain! Therein is balm for wounded hearts, There all may wisdom gain! Although a host of foes may rage, Naught shall our souls affright! We gladly bear what men may do, For God protects the right!"

You Have Judged without knowing whether I have suffered at the hands of these "elders"! But I still press on to the goal eternal, no matter who says false and slanderous things about our brothers! I too have been there!

To: Re Above
5 Jul 2019 9:41
The Bible doesn't offend me. What annoys me is people who quote the Bible, past judgment, and dismiss facts. Are you stating that you should not believe the comments posted on this site or testimonials? You have already made up your mind on a guilty verdict and are closing a blind eye. I don't want to change your mind, but I will not stop telling people the truth. There is more evidence so you can judge all you want.

Why don't you mention the other sides of the story? Why are you quoting the Bible? Is that going to prove the other sides of your story?

You cannot commit a crime and then quote the Bible? If it were only as simple as you put it, there would be no prisons.

I'm also wondering if you are related to the Prediy's family or one of the elders. If you are related, why don't you tell us the other sides of the story: The Stefan's, elders, and the Ilya Prediy story? As far as Ilya Prediy goes, is it right to leave your home church and start your own church (divisions)? Does the Bible teach that? And then how about kicking members out of church? Does your Bible teach you that?

You cannot commit a crime and then throw Bible verse to justify the wrongdoing.

you didnt know?
5 Jul 2019 9:58
this is the elders sin:
- they approved the closing of the church at columbia station, instead of bringing justice to the guilty
(if you didnt know) (you are probably the only one left that didnt know)
the elders have punished the innocent in this case (the elders have punished those to whom the church doors were locked)
this bible verse refers to the elders:
Proverbs 17:15
15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord.
the elders have done both.

elders sins
5 Jul 2019 10:11
the elder committee justified Dave Nikolson's from being punished by giving him the option to choose whether he wants to be punished or not.
what baloney!!
instead of bringing disciplinary action on Dave for his sin, the elder committee gives him a chose to not accept his punishment of his sin.
this is another sin by the elder committee.
Dave lied, that the west akron brothers caught Dave in, and the elder committee know this ,and yet they justified Dave by not giving him any level of punishment for his sin.
this is another sin by the elder committee.

2 or 3 witnesses
5 Jul 2019 10:51
the west akron brothers has 2 or 3 witnesses or more, if i remember correctly, and the elder committee STILL didn't punish Dave Nikolson for his sin of lying.

yes it was
5 Jul 2019 10:53
"Against an elder receive not an accusation except it be before two or three witnesses"
Have these instructions been carried out?

yes, it was carried out, and the elder committee still didn't bring disciplinary action for Dave Nikolsons' sin.

W fr Can
5 Jul 2019 11:56
Dave Nicholson (actually Nikolovic)has been judged, sentenced and convicted. He's now at the Brunswick Hills Church sitting as a backbencher in shame having been forced to resign by his own church /flock. Extremely rare if not a first in the ACCN. Kudos to the brave in West Akron. And BTW he's had heart bypass surgery. Resulting from church stress and losing his license to practice in Ohio as a CPA.

Galatians 6:7-9 King James Version (KJV)
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

not true
5 Jul 2019 12:03
no he hasn't been judged by God nor the Church.

a level of punishment for sin is a judgement for a member that has sinned.

what level of punishment did he get?

levels of punishment is:
- being under the rod
- being excommunicated

he got neither level of punishment.

5 Jul 2019 12:33
How can you from Australia know what took place in West Akron? Have you been present at such work? Or is it hearsay? David Nikolson is not an Elder anymore, Yet you accuse other Elders and call them criminals!
Were the sisters and all the brothers "punished" to whom the church doors locked, or only the ones that went to court with the "Thieves" that you call? Is it all right in America to go to court with a brother, whereas when it was in Sydney Australia,The thieves (whom you seem to have defended because they are your buddies) were justified in taking the church, because he paid the expenses, and the leadership was slandered as crooks and thieves! Does proverbs 17:15 apply there also, for all who justified the thief (Kernulac Family) and condemned the Leadership, Penca, Tomek, Lincu Etc.?????
You see, there you do not know the whole truth, or if you knew it, you defended him! Why? Is it because you have a beef with the leadership there? Is it allright to make Divisions in Australia? And Put up brothers who left the church and made divisions, and have them ordained Elders? Why can't Ilya Prediy call the Ukranian Elders and have him ordained, He wants to keep the narrow way, not like here in America, broad and worldly way!Or is it only in Australia that can be done, Just call the North American Elders, they will fix all things well for rebels!Do the American Elders know those members in Australia as they know the members they punished in Colombia Station?? Petras was one of those who created much grief for Elder Nenadov and Australian Elders, Now we have his fruits revealed here in America. How true it is, That his sin has found him out, no matter where he goes, he does the same.
And No, I'am not related to Ilyia Prediy or these Elders you mentioned!! Nor do I agree with the closing of the Colombia Station Church or the Stefan's stealing the building, they need to give that money to the foundation, so it can be sent to Africa or Brazil to help all those who fraternize with other faiths??

5 Jul 2019 12:33
How can you from Australia know what took place in West Akron? Have you been present at such work? Or is it hearsay? David Nikolson is not an Elder anymore, Yet you accuse other Elders and call them criminals!
Were the sisters and all the brothers "punished" to whom the church doors locked, or only the ones that went to court with the "Thieves" that you call? Is it all right in America to go to court with a brother, whereas when it was in Sydney Australia,The thieves (whom you seem to have defended because they are your buddies) were justified in taking the church, because he paid the expenses, and the leadership was slandered as crooks and thieves! Does proverbs 17:15 apply there also, for all who justified the thief (Kernulac Family) and condemned the Leadership, Penca, Tomek, Lincu Etc.?????
You see, there you do not know the whole truth, or if you knew it, you defended him! Why? Is it because you have a beef with the leadership there? Is it allright to make Divisions in Australia? And Put up brothers who left the church and made divisions, and have them ordained Elders? Why can't Ilya Prediy call the Ukranian Elders and have him ordained, He wants to keep the narrow way, not like here in America, broad and worldly way!Or is it only in Australia that can be done, Just call the North American Elders, they will fix all things well for rebels!Do the American Elders know those members in Australia as they know the members they punished in Colombia Station?? Petras was one of those who created much grief for Elder Nenadov and Australian Elders, Now we have his fruits revealed here in America. How true it is, That his sin has found him out, no matter where he goes, he does the same.
And No, I'am not related to Ilyia Prediy or these Elders you mentioned!! Nor do I agree with the closing of the Colombia Station Church or the Stefan's stealing the building, they need to give that money to the foundation, so it can be sent to Africa or Brazil to help all those who fraternize with other faiths??

To: Interesting
5 Jul 2019 12:55
RE: 'Sydney Australia,The thieves (whom you seem to have defended because they are your buddies) were justified in taking the church, because he paid the expenses, and the leadership was slandered as crooks and thieves! Does proverbs 17:15 apply there also, for all who justified the thief (Kernulac Family) and condemned the Leadership, Penca, Tomek, Lincu Etc.?????'

How do you know so much about Sydney church? Could be that you are Paul Pentsa Sr.'s 'free' legal advisor who lived in Sydney? Paul Pentsa acts so rich, but he used you to do his research and dirty work for nothing.

To: Interesting
5 Jul 2019 13:03
RE: 'How can you from Australia know what took place in West Akron? Have you been present at such work? Or is it hearsay? David Nikolson is not an Elder anymore, Yet you accuse other Elders and call them criminals!'

If you are who I think you are what your bargaining with David?

So this is how David worked. He bribed people to help him get what he wanted and to avoid telling the truth. I am pretty sure that David promised you a ministry position. Did you get it? Where are you now, and where is David? He used you just like Paul Pentsa Sr. used you in Sydney, and what did you get out in all of this?

To: Interesting
5 Jul 2019 13:08
RE: 'Petras was one of those who created much grief for Elder Nenadov and Australian Elders, Now we have his fruits revealed here in America. How true it is, That his sin has found him out, no matter where he goes, he does the same.'

So, because it was 'Petras' it was okay to abuse his grandchildren and family? Your comment is a joke. Perhaps since you know so much about Elder Nenadov and 'Petras,' you might enlighten the readers as to if have made peace.

W fr Can
5 Jul 2019 13:11
Like I've had repeatedly said before way too much is being tolerated in the ACCN. Like the weird sermons and Stories by the millionaire populist elder George Freund - light on spirituality and heavy on ACC religion and culture and heritage. Liked country music and being popular and his wealth. And currently we put up with the likes of Tom Hertig at camp with his rantings and ravings about his fictional stupid stories about his weird thoughts, stories and visions trying to scare people into seeking the Lord. Is he on drugs??? And like lost dumb sheep nobody questions or speaks up!!!???

Mathew 15:9
But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments(and fictional tales) of men.
Matthew 15:9

To: Interesting
5 Jul 2019 13:15
RE: 'And No, I'am not related to Ilyia Prediy or these Elders you mentioned!! Nor do I agree with the closing of the Colombia Station Church or the Stefan's stealing the building, they need to give that money to the foundation, so it can be sent to Africa or Brazil to help all those who fraternize with other faiths??'

Why sell the church? Why punish brother Jon Petruz for a deed? What was David's main goal? Sell the church and make the foundation rich?

To. W fr Can
5 Jul 2019 16:11
When have you heard Elder George Freund preach at camps lately? This dear Elder passed away so many years ago! Have you no respect for the dead? Even in the World, most people speak kindly of those who have departed, but you, well what can I say? You need to take a deep look in your heart and see where you stand with the Lord!! Another proof that what is written on this site, should be taken with a grain of salt!

5 Jul 2019 16:18
Some Nazarenes don't like when unresolved church issues are discussed on the Internet, just like some Catholics don't like when the media reports on child sex abuse crimes committed by their clergy.

is the same
5 Jul 2019 23:12
Does proverbs 17:15 apply there also, for all who justified the thief (Kernulac Family) and condemned the Leadership, Penca, Tomek, Lincu Etc.?????
You see, there you do not know the whole truth, or if you knew it, you defended him!

yes, proverbs 17:15 applies there also, there is no difference, and its not approved whether is Arthur or Martha, Dave or Laza, Pentsa or Kozy, Nenadovic or Gicanov....the bible is the same for all.

not punished yet
5 Jul 2019 23:26
David Nikolson is not an Elder anymore.

that is not a level of punishment.

being removed from eldership is not a punishment for sin.

levels of punishment are:
- being under the rod
- being excommunicated

which one did he get?


so, he has not been punished for his sin.

explain why
5 Jul 2019 23:28
they need to give that money to the foundation, so it can be sent to Africa or Brazil to help all those who fraternize with other faiths??

why should they?

did the foundation build the church?
does the foundation own any church?
did the foundation fund the whole building of the church?


no, nobody should fraternize with other faiths, that leads to sin unto death.

Steve Nenadov
5 Jul 2019 23:52
If all the elders were like Elder Brother Steve Nenadov it would be a blessing. Elder Steve Nenadov listened to Misa Petras when he told him to go back to Australia and fix what he participated in with Elder Kozy. Elder Brother Steve Nenadov went to Australia and apologized publically to the church and to those who he offended. When he returned from Australia he visited West Akron, and after the service was done Elder Steve Nenadov went straight to Misa, and he corrected what was done in between Misa and him, there were tears and forgiveness on both sides.

Elder Brother Steve Nenadov removed Paul Pentsa Sr. from eldership.

Who is the person that is writing about Misa and Steve Nenadov? Did you even meet him or is it just hearsay?

Paul Pentsa Sr. is fortunate because his brother Roman Pentsa, and George Bojanac support him.

More Lies
6 Jul 2019 1:58
Oh really? When did Steven Nenadov remove Penca or Szabo from being Elders? He tried to restrict them from working in other churches other then their own, but the churches did not accept their dictatorial on Australian elders and churches, they were not serving elders of Australian churches, after making so many divisions, Nenadov gave the oversight back to Australian Elders in 1986. In 1996 Penca brought the separated groups back to the church, Nenadov did not want to come for unification, but in 2001, he went to explain to the Australian churches why here there are two conferences, and made a mess of things. At the elders meeting in 2003 at La Puente, any restrictions imposed on Australian elders were removed, and a statement read that Australian Elders are not part of American Elder Body, but are independent just like the Hungarian Elders are.
So Please stop spreading your lies.

To: More Lies
6 Jul 2019 2:04
Steve Nenadov took Paul Pensta Sr. down as elder, but when he came back to America Roman Pentsa, George Bojanac and Weinheart from Hamilton Canada fought for Paul Pentsa Sr at the elder's meeting. That is why Paul Pentsa Sr. is still an elder today.

6 Jul 2019 2:18
can we have the letter once again on the removal of pentsa and taylor.

people seem to not want to locate it.

location and date
6 Jul 2019 2:19
but when he came back to America Roman Pentsa, George Bojanac and Weinheart from Hamilton Canada fought for Paul Pentsa Sr at the elder's meeting.

which elder meeting was this?
where was it held?

6 Jul 2019 2:21
andrew kozy elder split the ACCN in australia

steve nenadov continued and supported it.

and paul pentsa snr and andrew taylor continued likewise.

To: location & date
6 Jul 2019 2:30
It was after he came back from Australia. Not sure what the year was, but it was the first elders meeting when he got back. If anyone from Australia remembers the year that would help answer your question.

To: More Lies:
Since you seem to be knowledgeable about Australia being an 'independent elder - answer this: out of the three elders in Australia Paul Pentsa Sr., Arnold Bowman, and Miodrag Cucanic which one of these are independent and which one of these elders cooperates with the American elders?

6 Jul 2019 2:38
the australian independent elder committee, elder body, and group of elders are:

paul pentsa

Respect for the dead
6 Jul 2019 5:42
So let me get this right. Once you die you've achieved some sort of sainthood and nobody can say anything but good things about you. Oh my how un-catholic of me!
Sorry but our deeds follow us.

So no matter what our so called 'examples in faith' do while living - we can't say anything no matter how their action have spoken? Whether they be ineffective, uncaring, unfaithful, dishonest, sow seeds of discord, prideful ...

Here what God's Word has to say.

Romans 2:6-8 King James Version (KJV)
6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:

7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life:

8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,

2 Corinthians 5:10 King James Version (KJV)
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

6 Jul 2019 10:30
So according to the writer here, Elder Nenadov took the advise of Misa Petras, and asked for forgiveness for his involvement with Kozy!
What was his involvement with Kozy?
When Nenadov, Kozy,Pack Majos, and Steve Sacach were in Australia,they did work as some requested on this site to be done to erring ministers and members, And no Kozy did not separate the church! Nenadov in 1986 after the half of the church,which he called, Rebels,rejected Elders and Barred from doing baptism in the church ,Nenadov and Azlen with the other had of church he called peace loving,

afew points
6 Jul 2019 11:28
Nenadov in 1986 after the half of the church,which he called, Rebels,rejected Elders and Barred from doing baptism in the church

that because nenadov did not reverse the deeds of Kozy, but continued it in, so the church had the right to stand for the right, regardless of the elder in question.
then instead repenting or making reconciliation, he took the friends for baptism to the keilor downs church, without the church knowing of this, hence, continuing further in the sin of Kozy and the american elders did NOTHING again.

6 Jul 2019 12:30
Nenadov had to follow Kozy's footsteps,otherwise Kozy would take his eldership:but after Kozy passedaway Nenadov was free to do his way.

6 Jul 2019 13:13
Wait wait wait....Dave Nikolson was given a choice to be punished?? How come this is not known????

not biblical
6 Jul 2019 22:53
those in error of sin are not given a choice to be punished....

Kozy's error
6 Jul 2019 22:58
When Nenadov, Kozy,Pack Majos, and Steve Sacach were in Australia,they did work as some requested on this site to be done to erring ministers and members, And no Kozy did not separate the church!

...."as some requested".....

thats why it was not the work of God, because some members gave Kozy a list of members names that he needs to punish without the church.

this is the error of sin by Andrew Kozy.

no elder has authority of the church or its members.
Christ is Head of the Church, not Kozy or Pentsa, nor any elder.

this is how Kozy split the church, by NOT working with the Church.

this is the start of the first split in ACCN Australia, conducted by Andrew Kozy.

Respected Elders?
9 Jul 2019 4:32
Kozy, Freund, Nenadov, Sackich, Azlan, ect. Are these the best leaders that the ACCN could ordain? No wonder our Church is in such turmoil today. East Akron church doesn't even exist anymore and the churches that these other elders served are a disaster! Enjoy reading the dialog, very interesting when things come to the light! God bless

9 Jul 2019 9:39
why speak of these Elders now, they have passed away!

see the result
9 Jul 2019 11:26
because the members and churches need to STAND UP FOR JUSTICE, so these past sinful deeds of the elders are not repeated.

learn from their errors, so its not allowed again and again....

Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.

look at he wording........outcome of their way of life....

meaning, look at their end result.

andrew kozy was elder for east akron?

whats the end result from east akron church?

sad case.

look at the outcome of what came out of the actions of andrew kozy.

this needs to be an example what the church and members should NOT tolerate and allow the elders' actions.

this is what we all need to learn from, to stop the sin repeating.

this is a clear indication that God was NOT pleased with andrew kozy and his unrepentant deeds before he died.

wondering fr/Canada
9 Jul 2019 11:59
Wow some very old situations are being brought up! Regrettable it seems but quite interesting and insightful yeah?

I do find it intriguing that participants over the age of 65-70 who know these old political activities are involved in this blog!

The best leaders that the ACCN can produce?! :) I guess so...
Kind of like was Trump and Hillary the best candidates out of a population of 300+ million. Laughable scary and perplexing all in one.

Leaders of today any better? Hmmm. Different era...same flavour. They still don't get it. Didn't keep up to the times and thinking(s). Still years behind/out of touch/inept/busy re-arranging the chairs on the Titanic.

In some cases power corrupts (SC) and in the case of Australia...absolute power corrupts absolutely?

just curious
9 Jul 2019 12:04
How do you categorize Elders from Norton church; are they good?
Has anyone have anything to say about them?

they may change
9 Jul 2019 12:06
the main issue here is that Nenadov continued the sins of Kozy, and then Pentsa continued the sins of Kozy and Nenadov....

this is the problem why ACCN Australia has not been completed resolved, because the ACCN North American elders did not bring justice upon Kozy, nor Nenadov nor Pentsa.

thats why the sins are/was continued and repeated in ACCN.

lets hope and pray that this website might give the current elders a need to change from the sinful past events and deeds of Kozy, Nenadov and Pentsa.....

they may change....

give them time, and we'll see their end.

old gearbox
9 Jul 2019 15:07
The " time" does not solve anything .Also you cannot patch up the old linen with new material , according to bible ...
The old people's sins cannot be solved presently anymore, only could give good examples to avoid the unexpected things that come up to the surface in the current times .

Needs a "new constitution" for the ACCN ! The old one is sleazy-dictatorial...Runs over the church /The Body of CHRIST /...
-Creating "Elderism" only-...

200 years ago , when the first "ACCN constitution" was put together,has not been any airplane to travel long distance. And also in the bible you cannot find any reference to these things . What on earth the Nazarenes can embark on any air plane these days ? They should use horse-carts to travel, to remain good Christians ...

Ridiculous ,- isn't it ?

The "dictatorship" stems on the bad and stinky old soil and makes the thing to be rotten . The time does not solve anything ...Please remember to it.
Because all the dictators can fit into the system , like cog-wheels in the gearbox /one drives the other / . Make them "politically correct" ,but far from GOD...

no more Jonah's
9 Jul 2019 19:32
time does not eliminate the committed sins.

confessing your sins does.

this is the hardest thing to do.

Jonah confessed and said, through me in.

Today, there's no more Jonah.

option ready to go
9 Jul 2019 22:09
Needs a "new constitution" for the ACCN.

yes, exactly right.

the Holy Bible, and nothing but the Holy Bible.

the truth, and nothing but the truth.

nobody needs bylaws, committee's, constitution's.....for governments, states, councils...

we all need only the Holy Bible.

God's Clemency
9 Jul 2019 23:21
Yes ! Get back to " Ground-Zero "- "to the bible"!

* Love your enemy ! But first and "at least" , love and value your brothers in Christ !Christ sacrificed His life for your brothers .
* Be open to the church , that is the " Body of Christ"! / forget the committees/
* Confess your sins , but before that , -
* Make restitution ,restoration for the damages that you made in your previous acts!
* God is merciful , but be careful because God is Righteous about the "willfully -committed sins"after the redemption of your sins at baptism...
*Only God can give you "clemency ", Not the church , not the elders and not the leaders or anyone else.

It is still worth it . Please consider it, because your eternal life is on stake , not just the earthly life-span that is short as a life of a flower at the side of the road .

not so
10 Jul 2019 5:31
East Akron, and La Puente churches were doing well while the old Elders were Alive, What happenned after is not their fault

important verses
10 Jul 2019 10:11
1 John 2:15-17
15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

Romans 12:2
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Dear not so
11 Jul 2019 0:14
East Akron was NOT doing well when Andy Kozy was ordained Elder. Andy Cerveny was the lead Minister supported by the Elders Body to be ordained. Due to many of the East Akron members being related to Andy Kozy he received the vote. This caused much turmoil in the East Akron Church! Unfortunately most of the Kozy family left East Akron in the following years.

A healthy Church includes a humble leader and supportive members. East Akron was lacking both of these!

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