Spiritual and Mental Abuse in Apostolic Christian Church Nazarene in Australia
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ACCN Forum | Bearing Burdens ACCN Forum
Bearing Burdens

7 Aug 2019 4:41
In another thread a user suggested it might be helpful to have a positive or uplifting thread on here. I'm not part of your denomination, but in that spirit, I wanted to share a Bible verse I've been pondering the past few weeks:

Galatians 6:2
Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

I guess I've been asking myself if I'm doing this. The Lord gets to hear about all of my burdens every single day with each prayer, but this suggests I'm to try to help my brethren.

I have the blessing of getting to work with my father in my day job, and I can't count the number of times he's given me a listening ear, and provided counsel as I wrestle with daily problems he's had to face many years prior, as as the raising of children. That must be his bearing of my burdens.

Maybe one way I try to do it is by giving the same listening ear to my wife at home. Maybe when she has a tough day, and the kids haven't been listening... maybe her husband will listen and give the shoulder to cry on. I have to be honest -- I really don't like hearing such talk over and over, especially when her voice raises with the frustration expressed, and it starts to feel like she's projecting the problem onto me. But as I've been pondering this verse, I think I need to work on being more willing to listen without feeling annoyed about her 'burden.'

How do all of you apply this verse? Does anyone have more insight as to its meaning? What does it mean to 'bear' something? And what are the 'burdens' referred to? And does the 'law of Christ' refer to the two great commandments, or the principles of love laid out in I Corinthians 13? Or is this verse joined at the hip with Galatians 6:1, where it speaks of how to treat a brother that is overtaken with an error?

explain please
7 Aug 2019 13:58
beautiful counselling here.
thank you

can you give explained information what to do in this scenario:

- when you apply Matthew 18:15-17 against a sin towards an elder
- 1 Timothy 5:19


- when you apply Galatians 6:1


- they do not repent, confess their fault nor apologise for their sin


- they continue to do spiritual work in the church as a free elder

please explain.

8 Aug 2019 15:03

8 Aug 2019 15:19
True, don't waste your time here.

give him a chance
8 Aug 2019 22:46
let him respond with counselling options please.

give him a go and a chance to respond on how things should be done in that scenario.

giving some kind of answer is not that hard, surely.

9 Aug 2019 4:29

I wasn’t anticipating this kind of reaction from sharing a Bible verse and asking a few questions about it. I think I’ll simply study the matter further on my own. It seems that my intent was confused for something else, or perhaps a different verse would have been more appropriate.

one example
9 Aug 2019 11:19
bearing the burden can mean that more the one person helps to carry that burden you were going to carry yourself.

Jesus was the example for this for carrying our sins, and the sins of the world, yet he wasnt with sin.

where, in a case between people, the issue can be referred to as one example, where one person is unable to do something by themselves, and Gal.6:1 is telling the others around this person to assist by helping out the heavy burden, weight, misunderstanding, errors, mistakes, offenses, disturbances...etc


it could also refer to something brought forward to the members around the member in a problem or a type of heaviness they are going through, and others need to feel what the person is going through together with them, as in 1 Cor.12:26
If one member suffers, all suffer together......

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