A concerned Pilgrim
20 Jan 2025 19:44
According to the Gospels, we are told that, after Jesus partook of the pascal lamb, (Passover) with only the twelve disciples, He instituted the last Supper, or Communion as it is commonly known. He shared with all twelve, even with Judas whom the Lord knew what Judas was about to do, to betray his Lord for thirty pieces of silver.
In 1st Corinthians chapter 11, the Apostle Paul wrote how he received from the Lord what was delivered to him, how Jesus shared that first last supper, and the meaning of it, it was to remember the Lord's broken body and shed blood,in remembering his death until He comes again.Paul instructs the Church that each one needs to judge themselves whether they are worthy to partake, for there is a danger for the individual would partake unworthy.
There seems to be a movement of Elders, who have taken upon themselves, the right to tell certain Members of the body of Christ, that they should not partake of the Lord's Supper, for the reason that they were not part of the ACCN, but were baptized by the Doroslovac Elders from Europe.
It seems to have gone out of control and brings about confusion even among the new members that these Elders baptized, that at that Baptism only the new converts and the local congregation were to partake, the visiting member, even though they were all ACCN members, were instructed to abstain from taking communion, as they were not one with that church.
What was confusing, was that the Elders (ACCN) who gave the instructions not to take, they themselves partook of the communion with those church members who were baptized by said European Elders.
Many souls were very
Shocked and disturbed at the double standards by these Elders.
In recent events, the new converts of that congregation, along with their baptized siblings attended a church, and when it was time for communion, the instructions were given that only the converts who were recently baptized may partake, the other members of that family were to refrain from taking.
It was reported, that all siblings refused to partake if their
Fellow members were refused, so they all walked out.
These actions of Elders can cause souls to be offended.
We know what Jesus said about offending a little one who believes in Him, it is better to hang a milestone about the neck and be cast into the sea, then to offend a little one.
Who are we to dictate to our fellow brother or sister, whether they can or cannot partake? Each one needs to self examine
Ourselves, we stand by our Lord's help.
Let us return to biblical teachings, and not be led by man-made rules.
21 Jan 2025 0:29
In certain cases in certain circumstances for specific reasons, things that were not completed, may have had a need to be put on hold until further action is complete.
Sounds like it was a move that wasn't completed, or a move required to complete a baptism (so the converts don't wait until the issues are resolved), before all problems were resolved.
And, with the disturbance among the church, or some members, so things do not escalate when unresolved, or escalate into further issues, things like this may have had a need to be made.
Don't know the whole story, but this is what may have needed to happen.
Sad when the elders don't work together, and hold the other less worthy to be present, or participate, or believe the other is in error, so they separate to form another group, and believe this makes them more worthy.......maybe????
Do some Nazarene elders believe that other Nazarene elders are within the same denomination? Or do they believe its a different denomination when not within my Nazarene group?
Maybe is or could be, if the sin unto death biblical theory is changed, or visiting other denominations is allowed by some??
Who is in Authority?
21 Jan 2025 1:32
Definately double standard. They do not care if they offend anyone. Each and every member needs to self examine oneself. Elders are not allowed to decide who can or cannot partake. Jesus even gave Judas the Lord's Supper. So this means; that those elders, have classified (those member whom they forbade to take the Lord's Supper) to be "worse" than Judas. Those elders are forcing the (their) exercise of authority. This is important to them; so that they feel that THEY have power, instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to work through the Church/Fellowship/brothers/sisters. Satan is hungry for power, and does not respect God's authority. He wants to give orders. Lust for power is sin. The problem is that everything from satan is evil and sinful. If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
The Lord forbids "the exercise of authority" among believers. Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you Mat.20
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14
To Maybe
21 Jan 2025 8:37
If there were things to be still completed, then those who had to complete what they needed to do, should of been the ones who should of abstained from taking communion, but they were allowed to take along with the serving Elders, but members in Good Standing from other ACCN churches were instructed not to take.
This is obvious that the wrong action was taken.
Long ago Elders built walls in churches, and now we can see that these Elders are continuing to make walls among congregations.
Who are we to Judge our Brother? In this case they have Judged that the visiting ACCN members were not worthy to partake, but only the Elders who partook with those who needed to "rectify somethings", Then the Elders were partakers of the sins of those members and committed the sin of being respecters of persons as James writes.
21 Jan 2025 9:11
In all the controversy and argument, your communion has lost all meaning, "do this in remembrance of Me." You have cheapened it to something resembling an "ACC secret handshake"
agree 100%
22 Jan 2025 1:08
please contact the elders in question for details.....
i believe this may be the best way to get the reasons....
yes, you definitely have a very valid point in question.
there are many things that needs to be questioned, and it needs to be biblical validated answers.
22 Jan 2025 2:56
That entire story has become a festering sore for all ACCN members in Ohio. The fact that 2 years has gone by since the Doroslovac congregation has asked to become part of the ACCN and the elders are still "working on it" is plain ridiculous. There is no sin involved. And yet they readily accept other people who dont even believe in our doctrine.
So Sad!
22 Jan 2025 9:04
If you come from another denomination, all you have to do is give your statement of your conversion and most likely you will be accepted as free member and you can take freely the bread and wine in quite a number of ACCN.
What is very confusing is that about more than half of the members in that congregation in Ohio, were baptized by ACCN Elders, but due certain issues they ended up in this congregation.
What more can these members do so they can be accepted? Is it not enough that they want to walk in unity, not necessarily uniform, for there is no such uniformity even amongst the ACCN congregations!
Each congregation do as they wish. Be it open or closed Baptism, open laying of hands etc., yet they do not compel that other become as they are, to be uniform.
Why are these members having to go through a great press to be conformed to some ones way of order?
Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians, who Paul or Chefa etc.
In other words, non of the Apostle can claim that those souls baptized had any preferences being baptized by individuals, but they all are members on the body of Jesus Christ, for by his blood are they washed and saved. Why do Elders now ring souls through the ringers which makes them become accountable before God, and become Judges of Evil Thoughts.
Enough is Enough.
Look in your life first and see if you are abiding in the Faith that you have received, or see where you have fallen. And repent and do the first works of Love, and make no provisions for the flesh.
what conditions
23 Jan 2025 5:45
were any conditions placed on that church from accn elders?
if so
does anyone know what are they listed conditions for them to comply before being accepted in the accn?
25 Jan 2025 14:22
MARK 9:38 >Jesus forbids sectarianism
27 Jan 2025 10:55
From what I heard from one Elder, was that the acceptance of that congregation will be in a number of steps, the first was to get souls baptized the second was that the congregation would officially disannouce their membership under previous Elders
From Europe, (which was done)
The third was a lengthy process to see what involvement
This congregation had in the split that took place in Europe.
It is noteworthy to mention that most of those who Had anything to do with the split in 1948 are no longer with us, be it on the Gecanov side or Doroslovac side
look deeper
28 Jan 2025 3:19
re note:
- It is noteworthy to mention that most of those who Had anything to do with the split in 1948 are no longer with us, be it on the Gecanov side or Doroslovac side
yes, but the current elders have continued in those errors of the past elders.
what needs to be done here, when the errors havent been repented of or confessed, but continued onto the current elders?
the cause of the split has been handed down to the current elders.
so, what needs to be done?
the reasons for the split are still current until accountability is taken and correct discipline is taken.
until then, its going to stay this way until the coming of the Lord.
What ?
28 Jan 2025 6:15
How are these members ever going to bear the sins of past Elders, and then these present Elders in the Accn accountable for what previous old Elders have done.
And who can tell us the whole truth of what took place 75 years ago?
This is nonsense.
Many members from the DS have been accepted as free members without needing to wait so long.
So why have they been served communion (Ohio congregation) if repentance and confessions needed to be made.
This proves that the Elders have made error in telling free members from ACCN not to partake.
This needs to be corrected by those Elders and apologies made to both groups of members!
Elders need to be servants and not act as Lords over the Lord's heritage.
Please understand
28 Jan 2025 11:26
The current elders are not going to be responsible for what the past elders have committed.
But the current elders that have CONTINUED the errors of the past elders is what they will be accountable for.
28 Jan 2025 18:20
I dont think the split of 1948 is what is being referred to, that doesnt make any sense. What can they "continue", thats nonsense. It is very likely the split of 2002 that is being referred to. There are many who think that "Side A" people shouldnt be free members anywhere due to happenings and things being allowed that caused the split of 2002. This could be the holdup.
28 Jan 2025 22:00
The Split in 2002 had nothing to do with the ACCN.
It was between the Doroslivac churches,
The Elders did any work that other Elders from so called side B did not agree with, even though those Elders did the same things in the past themselves. Anyway, the members of side B would not even greet any ACCN
member or Elders, they are above us, we are the ones according to them that need to repent.
So you have members who came from whatever side A or B in Vista, in Kitchener both churches, in West Akron from that very congregation in question, why the double standards for these members.
If now if it is true, ACCN Elders accept people from other faiths without baptism of water, and that is OK, Why worry about what happened between the Split between Doroslovac sides. Each soul should give testimony of their faith and how they walked with. the Lord, and whether they agree with the order of ACCN.
an example
29 Jan 2025 2:27
this is an example for understandable levels.
if i have hatred, and sow hatred, and a split in a church happens because of this, and others accept that, follow that and do that while I am alive, or have died, is it still a sin?
if I have died, and others have continued hating others that I started, does it eliminate the sin because I died?
does it stop the sin of being a sin if I die (if others are still doing it what I taught, implemented that it was ok, after I die)?
this is an example.
now, the reason of the split in 1948 has continued from generation of elders to next generation elders and through to current elders, as they are accepting it as its ok.
many either don't know or choose not to accept that those in error, that caused the split, were actually in the error. (this is the issue)
To: an example
29 Jan 2025 5:55
I don't believe any elders are still holding the hate of 1948 (some say it was 1952), on either side, to be honest. They may have reasons for remaining separate (even that is changing; slowly it is all merging), but the hatred really isn't there from either side. I'm speaking of North America, I don't know about Serbia or Australia. And especially the young people born and raised on either side, they know nothing about 1948, and they are friends with other members from both sides. Just because you grew up and got baptized in the church your parents raised you in, doesn't mean you necessarily hate the other side. Now, are SOME parents instilling hate in the next generation? Possibly. Or, possibly they're simply warning them of things they don't agree with on the other sides. I hope I'm making sense. I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. And also...to the other comment...it's not true that "Side B" doesn't greet ACCN. Just because one or two families don't doesn't mean "side B doesn't greet ACCN." Even the elders there greet ACCN members. Again...speaking of North America here.
To an example
29 Jan 2025 8:35
Your actions while you are alive are recorded in the book of remembrance, and at the day of judgement, if the wrongs you have done were not rectified then the righteous Lord will deal with it.
The hatred in other people's lives, only those people are accountable, and can rectify.
In the old testament the Lord said that the statement "The fathers have eaten sour grapes,the children's teeth were set on edge,this shall not be used in Isareal, but the soul that sinneth shall die.(Ezekiel 18/2-4)
In this we see who is accountable for their lives.
The real question is, if this group needed to repent and rectify somethings, why were they taking communion with ACCN Elders? And members of ACCN congregations were advised not to take!
As far as your example, "if I have died, and others continue in the hatred....."
You will need to rectify and repent of your sins while you were still alive, after death, as the tree fallen so shall it remain, noting can be added or taken from your book, it is closed! And others cannot change it or repent for you.
You will meet the Lord as you die, prepared or unprepared.
We who are part of ACCD, are not accountable for the actions (sins) of old Elders, nor can we sit in Judgements of those issues, we have information, nor is Judgements given to us, leave that to the righteous Judge.
To: an example
29 Jan 2025 11:18
If I am a member of a church that, many decades ago, their leadership hate hatred toward anothet group, that doesnt make ME automatically have that sin. I cant "continue" someone else's sin unless I MYSELF AM THE ONE WHO HATES. Merely being a member of ACCN or NCC or whatever does not mean I am continuing sins of 1948. I myself am responsible for MY OWN ACTIONS, and being a member of a church where, 7 decades ago, there was some sort of split, does NOT cause me to be guilty. I hope thats not what you are trying to say because if it is, then that is ridiculous.
Read carefully
29 Jan 2025 17:24
The 'an example' person was giving that example just as an example, they were not actually saying that "hatred" itself was the issue.......
It's possible that there is an issue or are multiple issues that HAS been carried down to current (one or multiple reasons of the cause of the 1948 split that has been carried down and elders still justifying the unbiblical change that was approved then by some that led to the split)
another issue
2 Feb 2025 6:01
What about the unresolved issue when the ACCN was formed in Serbia regarding the Cvetko Gecanov Elder that gave a vocal and signed allegiance to the authorities?
He calling a second Elder meeting to change the biblical stands what the first elder meeting finalized.
There were secret service agents present at the second elder meeting organized by Cvetko Gecanov.
What do we say about this?
Has any Elder realized this, confessed this, condemned this, reproved this?
Only a very small number that is known.
If anyone knows any elder that has, please advise.
Is this issue still current, or has it been confessed, condemned and reproved?
Who Knows
2 Feb 2025 9:34
This Elder has long pasted away, whether that was ever brought to light( if that accusation is true?)
Is not known.
But it is so unreal that secret agents would be allowed in Elder's Meetings.
Let's move on with the things we could change for better unity among churches.
Yes, but
2 Feb 2025 15:24
Which church has not be recognised by the government's?
This unbiblical change has been carried on to most current churches.
Gecenov's change led to the split and has beenled and has carried on to most churches asking for recognition by the governments.
Gecanov has died long ago,but this cause is still current.
Unity can only happen when this reason is eliminated from the churches.
(Any any other cause from either side too)
Forgetting the sin doesn't get forgiveness until confession and repentance is achieved.
Any sin carried on is still active.
But, when its not tolerated or repeated,only then it can taken as removed.
Hard to accept
4 Feb 2025 17:52
To who knows:
This Elder has long pasted away, whether that was ever brought to light( if that accusation is true?)
Is not known.
Thus was bright to light about 70yrs ago, and confirmed true.
The DS sides are quick to condemn the ACCN for this, and the ACCN is quick to condemn the DS side the wrong moves their elders make.
Each side needs to confess their faults and realize the facts to bring unity.....
Until then, this is little chance of unity.......
Stop the hate
5 Feb 2025 4:51
Stop sowing seeds of hate. The DS elders have been working with ACCN more than ever. Nobodys accusing anybody of what happened 75 years ago. Theyre battling with much bigger spiritual issues. Ukraine is the only place that isnt registered by the government. Even the DS churches are now
Stop the hate
5 Feb 2025 4:55
The entire Nadalj DS church crossed over to ACC and now the entire Akron DS church too. Soon will be Florida and others in Serbia. Theres no hate. Youre living in the past, even though the elders arent.
5 Feb 2025 11:30
Unity without Godly reconciliation won't be nor can be validated by God.
Even if all foes unite, without repentance and confession, forgiveness won't be achieved....by God.
Maybe by men.
Truth can only set us free.
If sin hasn't been confessed, it's still current, not the past.
What is Gods word
5 Feb 2025 11:33
God doesn't change if majority change from His Word.
Majority allowing wrong doesn't change disobedience to Gods word to obedience.
Why is Gods word here if we are going to follow majority?
5 Feb 2025 14:13
I think the point is not being focused on in the previous statements...
Nobody is against unitifying.
It's the accountability for the actions that caused the split that is the highlight.