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Spiritual and Mental Abuse in ACCN in Australia - Page 14
9 August 2013 - "Lots of mess in Australia", sent by a reader  
Sheesh, so much to comment on. It is truly almost unbelievable what all is happening in Australia and what has happened. Such as the case of Misha Hrubik. Clearly this man was extremely mentally ill, documents prove it, and Matea gave him a free and clear pass to get married??? Then you got the 30K that an assistant elder, Janko Tomek, spent and no one knows where and how?? Then we have Conrad Nitz whom Janko Tomek humiliated. The poor brother. Hey Altona 1, when will you stand up to the evil works of this man? If it's true that 85% do not support him then overthrow him. He will never resign. Never. You really want a leader that goes to a strip club?? Really? He should never be picking anyone up at a strip club. But how do you know he was not patronizing it? You don't. Perhaps Vlada Papuga's eyes were opened and is staying free and clear of those 3 stooges. Let's hope that is the case. As far as Katka and Matea looking gloomy? Maybe they are not happy that Ljubica was released from the mental hospital Matea put her in. Time to stand up to these dictators, members of Australia.

OUR COMMENT: You wrote: "If it's true that 85% do not support him then overthrow him." How many chickens does it take to overthrow a fox? Well, you can have as many chickens as you like, it is not going to happen. Chickens do not overthrow foxes. A fox can be surrounded by thousands of chickens and still feel perfectly safe.

"What would we do without our fox? Thank God that we have someone to care for us."

8 August 2013 - "Greed and selfishness", sent by a reader  
How dare Paul Pentsa try to get ownership of the Apostolic Christian Church buildings?? They do not belong to any person, they belong to the Apostolic Christian Church of the Nazarene Association. What greed and selfishness to try and get these buildings for himself and his sons?? You never see him give to anybody, he is certainly not practicing the gospel. Would love to see what Jesus says to him on the last day when he asks him: "Did you clothe the poor, did you help the needy, did you feed the hungry??" And Jesus will say to him, "Depart from me you accursed one, because you never gave to anyone, you never helped anyone, you were only concerned for yourself and your family!!"
This site has asked for things to be pointed out as incorrect if posted. Regarding the comment on 8th August, for whatever wrong you believe Paul has done, your comment about not helping anyone is untrue. Paul has helped many people, and regularly contributes to charity collections in his church. The comment is untrue and should stand corrected. That is all.
OUR COMMENT: Hahaha, good old uncle Paul. Those who know him also know that he does not give a cent out of sheer generosity. He buys people for little money but then expects their full loyalty. He is what Romanians call "patron". Worldly people love those who love them, teaches the Bible. (Luke 6: For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same. And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.) But say no more. Let's better hear from those church members, for example, who have been involved in some sort of business with Paul Pentsa - there are many interesting stories going around.
Many lives have been destroyed by the Marsden Nazarene church, many young people have left the church because they didn't feel welcomed. Many are wondering around confused, lost and disillusioned with church and God. Whoever caused this has blood on their hands!!! Is love not more important than being politically correct about everything!!! Is doctrine and dogma what Christ Jesus taught us?? No!!! It was to love one another. And love is placing the other person above yourself not below!! That's what love is, to esteem one higher than yourself!!! Is this being practiced in your church?? When Jesus returns He will not care about the empire and kingdom you built for yourself here on this earth and all the wealth and possessions you amassed for yourself while others are starving. He will care for one thing and one thing only: "Did you love?" Love does no wrong to it's neighbour. Love does not exploit others!! Love lays down his life for his friends!! Are we practicing this in the church??
A response to the August 8 comment: Throwing some pennies to charity is not what Jesus calls giving. Giving comes from the heart, because you deeply care about another person's wellbeing. It is a cheerful, generous giving, not just of money, but of kindness, love, respect. "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself." (Philippians 2:2-4, Romans 2:8, Romans 12:10)
To Comment 2: Amen and amen! Love is what we are called to - to love our neighbors as ourselves as well as our enemies and those who persecute us. Does this website demonstrate the love that Christ taught us to show others? Sadly, it does not.

To comment 4, do you love the sponsors of this website?
Dear website administrator, I wrote the comment on Aug 8 about Paul Pentsa being "Selfish and Greedy", just wanted to ask you to please remove the part where I said, "You don't see him give to anyone, he certainly does not practice the gospel" I realize it's not for me to judge him for that. And just at the end of my comment on Aug 8, could you please write in brackets "(Please read Matthew 25 about the sheep and the goats)". Thank you very much.

OUR COMMENT: What's written is written, we won't be changing it, especially after the comments that followed, but we can post your corrections. True, it was too much to say that Paul Pentsa never gives anything to anyone, he does of course, as we all do, we all give something to others and receive something from them. Paul Pentsa at least looks after his family and takes care that all of them are church members, married, ministers and elders possibly... When it comes to others... you know how it goes. We often hear certain people admiring Paul for having almost all his children in the church. And those "bad ones" do not have their children there. Why? Well, the children saw the abuse their parents have suffered and do not want to follow their path. Can't blame them. The problem with abusing only one church member is that his whole family will be at the end put off attending the church. How many souls do we lose this way? Even one is too many. But Paul has always been very "generous" (now when we are talking about his "generosity") to let people go, if they are not happy with something. Very unlike the true shepherd, described in the Bible, who leaves 99 sheep and goes to find that one that is missing. 
7 August 2013 - "Some odd things in Marsden", sent by a reader  
Elder Pentsa, Elder Taylor (Szabo) and Assistant Elder Tomek were not at the singing after the baptism in Marsden, which is very odd.
Seems they have something up their sleeves.
Maybe they were discussing another method of approach for an Assistant Elder for Marsden.
Maybe Pentsa had a tactic to try another way to get his son Nick to be an Assistant Elder.
It would have most probably crossed Pentsa’s mind: if the church agreed for me to participate in a baptism with sin, and unworthily sharing the Lord’s Supper, the church won’t complain or even see if we try and ordain Nick to be an Assistant Elder in another secretive way. Pentsa had Taylor and Tomek there to give full feedback, support and brilliant ideas.
The other interesting part is: Assistant Elder Papuga didn’t attend the baptism nor was present for their separate meeting after the baptism. Probably knowing full well their desire, tactic and manipulation that is possibly coming.
Last time Pentsa attempted to ordain his son Nick as Assistant Elder in Marsden, Papuga was present. So, Papuga was able to see very well Pentsa’s mastermind in manipulation.
Someone found Sions harph song 116 on the singing, with verses 1, 2 & 6, I think. Read verse 6. This person probably knows something, or can see something coming from the wolves.  

From father to son
It is a pretty well known fact that Janko Tomek and his wife, and also Stephen and Martha Kolarik, left to go home Sunday night after the dinner, and they were taken to the airport. I understand their plane left Brisbane around 9pm, so that would be the reason they were not in church for singing. Instead of speculating that they were in a private meeting, better check out first that possibly, they were actually travelling. I understand that Andrew Taylor and his wife were at home resting. Nobody knows their conversations, so probably best not to speculate about that either, and just wait to see if anything comes out in the open. Only time will tell.
At the funeral today Janko Tomek preached Mathew chapter 13 and only read a few verses from the Bible, not much at all. Most of his talk was about Conrad. I remember when ACCN members had funerals in the past, they preached a lot about repentance, love and how to be saved. He seems to steer away from the Bible and it's becoming more like a worldly funeral. If it wasn't for the Zion harf songs, you would think Janko's on the change. Getting worse. He's caused too much trouble with members of the church, first he tried to sell the Altona Church and at the same time he takes money and spends it on another problem he and Paul Pentsa created, and all that done without the Church. Only 10-15% of members agree with their secretive ways. Janko must resign.
5 August 2013 - A trip down the memory lane  
Sister Milica M. gave us these few old photographs which we are now sharing with you. Here you see the Sydney church (the good old days) and also late Misha Hrubik and his wife Slavica.


Milica told us that she saw Matea & Katka on Sunday and they looked pretty gloomy, well, who knows why was that, probably some legal affairs are not progressing the way they expected...

Baptism in Brisbane, 4 August 2013:
One day they will realize who were the people who baptized them.

2 August 2013 - Should they baptize anyone?

Incredibly rotten. The most rotten man that many of us have ever met. No doubt, this is a mentally sick man, and those few who still believe in his righteousness are, sorry to say, but it's true, also mentally sick. Paul's mind is twisted and wrapped around his lies and his egocentric views. The problem is, he really believes in his own fabricated reality, which makes him convincing and thus dangerous for those who do not know him. His pathological stubbornness is legendary, as well as his lack of love, empathy, forgiveness or any other Christian virtue. Say hello to Paul when you see him, and ask him about secret tape recording, court cases, split churches, and all those people who don't come to church because of him, including his two sisters and their families. Have you read all this, Paul? Good, because now's the time to take your valium. That was Paul Pentsa - the empty soul No 1.

JANKO TOMEK, Melbourne
"The King of Bigots". That's how he should be called. If you disagree with him, you must be wrong. There is no other possibility. Janko is pretty much like Paul, just less intelligent, which makes his schemes more transparent and obvious. He's selling the church that can't be sold and trying to build a new one that can't be built. This sleazy wannabe-elder has become notorious in Melbourne. He regularly demonstrates his arrogance and inability to lead the congregation. No matter how many times his church votes, he will never get enough votes to be an elder. People don't respect him because they saw his hypocrisy, inequity and incompetence. But Janko is always in the state of denial, never admitting anything, never asking anyone for forgiveness. Say hello to Janko but don't ask him about Altona 2, VCAT, thirty thousand dollars, real estate agents, or strip clubs. He may be "disappointed" in you and label you a poor Christian. This was the empty soul No 2.

Szabo also supported taking brother to court, but frankly, he shouldn't be held accountable for that. The old man has lost his marbles a while ago and now is only able to think what Paul and Janko tell him to think. There is no point of asking him to give you his opinion, as he doesn't have any. Anyway, when you see him, let him blab about love, kindness, charity (and ginger), then ask him "That's all nice, Andrew, but when was the last time you saw your grandchildren? What, five years ago? Why so long, Andrew? Is somebody stopping you from seeing your grandchildren?" No one is stopping him. He is stopping himself. Or should we say, his enormous pride is stopping him. It may be that he's simply not interested. And you - don't be fooled: the man who doesn't care for his own grandchildren certainly cares even less for you. That was the empty soul No 3.
Greetings website! Is it too inappropriate to ask what you meant about strip clubs and the assistant elder? I shudder to think... just curious because it's never been mentioned before until the August 2 update.

OUR COMMENT: Janko was seen sitting in a strip club in Melbourne, allegedly waiting for someone. That was a few years ago.
This is for elder Paul Pentsa and elder assistant Janko Tomek followers:
1 Samuel 15: 22,23.
22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
The Lord has rejected them from their positions, as they do sacrifice in sin. Obeying the Lord is better than sacrifice, because rebellion is as sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
Is there anyone out there that cannot see this?
WHAT??? In a strip club??? And he is an assistant elder???? Oh my. This is downright pathetic. I have not heard of anything this bad in the Nazarene church till now. If this is true and he is an assistant elder then SHAME SHAME SHAME. I don't care if he was waiting for someone or not. A Christian would NEVER go into a place like that for WHATEVER REASON.
What's the reason that PENTSA and TOMEK have power, or feel they have power, to do baptismal services without reconciliation first, without seeking forgiveness, nor making peace, taught by the Holy Spirit through Gods Holy Word:
Ecclesiastes 8:11.
11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
(They think they are doing Gods service. Refer to a similar reference in St.John 16:1-3)

Fret not. No sin will go unpunished. Sin, If not corrected on this side of the grave, means that such a person will be placed on the left on judgement day (this also applies to elders). Be assured, no sin will enter Heaven.

Psa 37:1  Fret not thyself because of evildoers,
Psa 37:7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.
Pro 24:19  Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked;

Keep thyself clean.

1 August 2013 - "The sacrifice of the wicked", sent by a reader  
Comment to:

- all mister P.PENTSA so called elder supporters
- all mister J.TOMEK so called elder assistant supporters
...that support them to conduct any part of baptismal services, read below:
Proverbs 28:9: He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.
Proverbs 21:27: The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination: how much more, when he bringeth it with a wicked mind?
31 July 2013 - Conrad Nitz died, Janko Tomek never apologized
Bro Conrad Nitz passed away in a nursing home in Melbourne. Soon after that we received the following message:
One of the last times we saw Bro Conrad Nitz was when there was a funeral interstate and Bro Janko Tomek announced in church that they were taking a bus to the funeral. At that time Bro Conrad said he would like to go on the bus to the funeral, but Janko Tomek said that he was too old and also that "we need young people to sing well at the funeral". Bro Conrad was deeply hurt and offended and told numerous members how could Bro Janko humiliate him in front of all the members of the church? To this day, we have not heard Bro Janko ask for forgiveness or even say a simple "sorry" to Bro Conrad. To this day Bro Conrad was deeply saddened and felt humiliated.
30 July 2013 - The good old days 

If you have some old photos that you want to share with us please scan them as high-res, attach them to an e-mail and send to accnaustralia@gmail.com

Exceptionally nice to see the old photos. Thanks a million.
Can you please put names to the faces in the photos please.
Also the year when the photo was taken, and where / city? Many many thanks!

WHEN WE WERE YOUNGER, SLIMMER, WISER...  and today we are greedy to take others to court and try to take other people's churches, money saved for the poor spent on court case ($30.000) and houses, cash and cars from church members within... oh and look what is written at 1 Timothy 3:1-5, 13-16:
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

29 July 2013 - "Do not take your brother to law", sent by a reader  
Brother, Do NOT take a brother to law! Immediately withdraw all appointments where a brother goes to law with another brother, especially if it's before unbelievers, even if it means that you will suffer financial loss/disadvantage.
From Corin. Ch 6:
But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers. Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? Why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.
This is from the Holy Scriptures, it's the Word of God. Why not obey God? Are you not a real Christian? Is financial benefit more important than obeying God?
From a faithful and free brother in Christ.
25 July 2013 - The Curious Case of Misha Hrubik  
So now you know all about Matea Lincu sending his wife Ljubica to a mental hospital. But do you know, just for the sake of consistency, that the same Matea Lincu sent his good mate Misha Hrubik to then-Yugoslavia to find a wife? Nothing wrong with that, you would say. Well, not quite. Poor Misha was a mentally sick man, which you can see here in this medical report from 1987.

Chronic Paranoid Schizophrenia. Can it be worse? Hardly. Pay attention to the tick-boxes in the section "Condition". Has the condition improved? No. Deteriorated? Yes. In the section "Other Remarks" it says: There is a progression into a burnt out stage of schizophrenia - where he is unemployable and lives a life of bizarre "isolation". Matea Lincu knew all this about Misha, yet allowed him to travel to Yugoslavia in 2001 and marry a sister in faith. Not to anyone's surprise, the marriage was short-living and disastrous. So there you go. Matea can send you to a mental institution, or to Yugoslavia to find a wife, it all depends on how good you are with Matea.
Misha Hrubik died in Sydney in 2010.

His ex-wife Slavica also died, after leaving Misha and returning to Yugoslavia.
I understand that Miso Hrubik used to beat his wife as well and treat her very badly, and that is the reason she left him. So Miso was good friends with Matea Lincu? Maybe two of a kind? They both seemed to have mistreated their wives. Maybe Matea should be assessed as well. We cannot speak of Miso, as he has passed away, but Matea is still here to account for his actions.
OUR COMMENT: As all Nazarenes know, before a single brother decides to go and propose to one of the sisters in faith, he must first get a letter of approval from his local church. The letter, or you may call it a "clearance", testifies that there are no spiritual or other obstacles to marriage. That means, the man is OK. He may decide to propose to a sister who lives in a remote town or even in another country, where people do not know him. That is why the letter is important. Misha asked Matea to write him a letter of approval, and Matea did it, in spite of Misha's sickness. Paul Pentsa, Janko Tomek and Andrew Szabo were probably aware of what was going on but chose not to react. Matea even wrote that Misha worked as a "public servant". With this, and with some money borrowed from Centrelink, Misha arrived to then-Yugoslavia and started showing off. There he met Slavica. The marriage had been arranged. Slavica's motive to marry someone from Australia was to be close to her daughter, who lives in Sydney. But she had no idea what lay ahead. Misha was treating his wife pretty much like a domestic animal. He used to lock her in, and then disappear for a long time, leaving his wife without money and starving. He would give her a five dollar note, and later he would take it back. And so on. Some church members saw Slavica in front of the Westfield shopping centre in Liverpool (an area in Sydney where Misha and Slavica lived) begging for money. Indeed, the poor man was not for a woman. According to some stories, he even had a problem controlling his bodily functions... well, let's not go into details. Slavica soon started thinking how to find her way out of this "marriage" and return to Yugoslavia. For some reason, her daughter was unable or not willing to help, but certain church members borrowed Slavica money for the ticket and that is how she sneaked out and left Misha - as well as Australia - for good. Misha, of course, was very angry and bitter after that. He bothered the elders and then pretty much anyone who wanted to listen, demanding his ex-wife to come back to him. Which never happened, of course. He died, and she died, but this story of ruined lives and Matea's incredible irresponsibility is not forgotten.
Matthew 19: And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
"Thou shalt not bear false witness" - means, if the Nazarene church in Australia is really biblical, M. Lincu would have been expelled or at least disciplined, for writing a false letter. One more proof that ACCN in Australia is NOT biblical!

OUR COMMENT: Yep, that's what it is. One more important detail: when Misha Hrubik asked for permission to marry, the Sydney congregation said "no"! But Matea told them something like "If you do not want to give him permission, I will." And he did. He wrote a false testimony and consequently caused tremendous grief and heartache.
24 July 2013 - Ljubica Lincu released from hospital  
Sydney - Good news! Ljubica Lincu has been released from the Concord Centre for Mental Health. Her sister Milica came to pick her up and drive home. Ljubica's estranged husband Matea was not there, neither any of their three daughters. Matea is now going around telling people that it was not his will to go to court but he was pushed by Paul Pentsa and Janko Tomek. Those two, allegedly, promised their financial help in case that Matea runs out of money. Whether they really gave some money to Matea or not, is unknown. But what we do know is that Janko is collecting money for a new church building in Melbourne. Who paid for his recent trip to Europe is, again, unknown.
1 SAMUEL 24:6
And he said to his men, "The Lord forbid that I should do this thing to my master, the Lord's anointed, to stretch out my hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the Lord."
ROMANS 13:17,18,19
17. Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.
18. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
19. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay," says the Lord.
Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

Just to say hello to a few new visitors. For the first time we noticed visitors from Sremska Mitrovica and Kula, Serbia. Then, three visits today from Perth, using an Android mobile phone. Some new visitors from Harrisonburg (USA), Calw (Germany), Markham (Canada), Bekescsaba (Hungary).

Across the World: Distribution of visitors during July
23 July 2013 - "Plenty of room in Altona", sent by a reader  
A theif does his works in secret. Most of the Altona North members are kept in the dark about the Sydney situation. If it wasn't for this site, the members wouldn't know. 85% of them disagree with Paul Pentsa's and Janko Tomek's filthy works with Sydney church and the sale of Altona North, also they didn't care about what PB has done. Saturday night singing is empty, be about 15 members, Sunday is on a good day about 65-70 members, plenty of room, Mr Janko. How did he come up with 150 members? Every week we notice a lot of empty seats. Mr Janko should resign. His reputation gone down the drain. Reputation is very important, people listen to a well spoken and honest leadership with integrity, which he doesn't have.

On the contrary! Janko Tomek should be an "ELDER". Paul Pentsa should ordain him; them two go along together. When Janko is enthroned, he will first get rid of Paul, then eradicate all the ones who stand in his way, starting from the Ruzeu family, all the Stefanides including Vlado Papuga, etc. VERY INTERESTING!!
OUR COMMENT: ...and the rest of us will buy popcorns and enjoy the fight... :)
Paul Pentsa does NOT want Janko Tomek as elder. He wants to rule over all. Plus why would Janko get rid of Paul and Vlada Papuga when they are all one minded? Maybe I am missing something?
Pentsa can't ordain Tomek, because he is waiting for 0% for Tomek.
First time Pentsa tried, Tomek got about 60%.
Second time Pentsa tried, Tomek got about 40%.
And also Pentsa and Sabo's theory, as most ACCN elders believe, that 3 elders need to be present. And at the moment there are only 2 active so-called elders in AU, Sabo and Pentsa. And no other elder outside of AU wants to get involved with Pentsa's ideas for help and correspondence.
So at the moment they have no chance to ordain any more elders.

To comment 2 writer: from last week, on baptism. Yes, we don’t need to stop baptisms for the soul's salvation. So, what needs to happen is that other elders are called to do the work, as Pentsa and Szabo and Tomek are in sin or support sin between the 3 of them.
So, the souls don’t get offended, these 3 need to seek forgiveness and reconciliation before they can do the work of the Lord with a pure heart and conscience. If they DO the work of the Lord unworthily, what does the Bible say... see 1 Corinthians 11:27.
Does God accept offerings and sacrifices performed by elders that are in sin???
What offerings and sacrifices does God accept WITHOUT first being reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift?? Refer St.Matthew 5:24. Who doesn’t understand this?
We understand that $30,000 was spent from the money from Altona 1, and to date, we understand that there has not been any accountability to the church or any explanation where that money has gone. Did that money go to help pay the court costs for the Sydney church court case? Where has the money gone? Why is there no explanation? What is so secret? If the treasurer has not done anything shifty with that money, why are they hesitant to give the church an explanation? Doesn't sound right.

OUR COMMENT: Janko and his comrades won't tell anyone how the money was spent. That is clear. The most likely explanation is that they paid the real estate agency (Rob Westwood) for advertising expenses. 
We received this sad message from Canada: The 2nd child of the drownings last week is now Safe in the Arms of Jesus. Please pray for the families during this time of tragedy.
22 July 2013 - Who is who in court?  
All members of the ACC Nazarene church in Australia need to get themselves familiar with the court order and proceedings. Here is a brief, illustrated introduction.

1. Judge

A Judge presides over a court when two parties are in dispute. It is the duty of a judge to act as a referee in court and adjudicate on matters of law. Judges are appointed by the Governor.

2. Associate
An associate is the confidential secretary to the judge and is a clerk of the court in which the judge is presiding.

3. Tipstaff
A tipstaff provides support to the judge in procedural and organisational matters in court and may provide research and administrative support outside of court.

4. Legal Practitioners
Both barristers and solicitors have a right of audience in all courts. Barristers are specialised advocates who stand up in court to present their client’s case, produce evidence and examine and cross-examine witnesses. They argue points of law that are relevant to the case and make a final closing speech to "sum up" the case in favour of their client. Barristers wear a wig and gown in the Supreme Court and some, but not all other, courts.

Many solicitors act as advocates in court. If they brief a barrister, solicitors usually prepare the case by collecting documents and finding and interviewing people to give evidence. Solicitors are present in court to provide the link between client and barrister, and are on hand to give advice. Many solicitors practice as advocates but they do not wear a wig and gown in court.
5. Witness

A witness gives evidence to support the case in court. Both parties can call witnesses. Witnesses must stay outside of the courtroom until their name is called. When they are called they must take the witness stand and swear an oath or make an affirmation to tell the truth.

6. Court Officer
The court officer organises the court lists and calls witnesses into the courtroom. They administer the oath or affirmation, ensure the public are seated in the right areas, pass documents from the bar table to the associate who passes them to the judge, jury or witnesses. They announce the arrival and departure of the judge or judges.

7. Court Reporter
All court proceedings are recorded, either in shorthand or using a shorthand machine, or in audio and/or visual form. A transcript of the proceedings is an accurate written record of what has been said.

Plaintiff and Defendant
The person who brings an action against someone is called the plaintiff, while the person who must defend his actions is called the defendant.

Source: http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au
Spiritual and Mental Abuse in ACCN in Australia - Page 14

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