Spiritual and Mental Abuse in Apostolic Christian Church Nazarene in Australia
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ACCN Forum | Bad news from America ACCN Forum
Bad news from America

Vista Church
31 Jan 2018 15:38
Hey there, so here are some new things that have been happening in San Diego, Vista church, so first of all Paulie and his family will now be attending the Colorado Springs church, they will no longer be attending the Vista church. What I can say is that I am so depressed to know that Mark Igic and Andy Olas know of all the bad things he has done and still accept him, and they are complicit in allowing him to freely become a member of the Colorado Springs church!

Also we have heard some talk that Paulie most likely embezzled 8-9 million Australian dollars and has the money in hidden accounts, whether or not that is true we don’t know... I think Mark Igic and Andy Olas are equal with Paul Pentsa Snr and Paul Pentsa Jnr, because they know what was done but refuse to do anything about it, I would at this point classify them as criminals.

Another thing that has happened is that we recently had a business meeting, and Mark Igic announced that Joe Nicholson has embezzled 119,000$ from the church fund over the course of 2 years, he was the treasurer at that time, and right now they have not tried to charge him in court or with the authorities... So it’s very visible that Mark Igic and Andy Olas have become supreme dictators of the Vista church. There are many people in Vista who would happily vote them out, but because the Nazarene church doesn’t allow that, we are stuck with those 2 dummies. Over the past few years we have lost 3 ministers who moved to other churches, Andy Bodjanac who now attends La Puente church, Mirko Gavrilovic, who now attends Akron church I think, and Victor Andre who now attends Colorado Springs church... and what many people have figured out is that maybe they were forced out by Mark Igic and Andy Olas. There are a lot of bad things happening in the Vista church and many of us are NOT happy with the leadership... help?

turn your lights on!
31 Jan 2018 23:05
manipulate means:
to manage or influence skillfully, especially in an unfair manner: to manipulate people's feelings.
to handle, manage, or use, especially with skill, in some process of treatment or performance.
to adapt or change (accounts, figures, etc.) to suit one's purpose or advantage.

Deceit means:
to persuade someone that something false is the truth; trick or fool:

Paulie acts "SO" nice in Vista, so the "ELDERS" can give a "NICE" testimony when he moves to Colorado Springs.

As long as the "ELDERS" approved it, it "MUST" be right, yeah?

As long as the "ELDERS" give a testimony, then its clear, that it "MUST" be genuine, yeah?

ohhh....won't "MANY" be surprised on the last day....oh..oh...oh..

please help
31 Jan 2018 23:07
who gave a testimony on Paulie Pentsa?

can anyone help?

how did this get through, when Marsden Church knows his past actions with the business??

who was the testimony given to?

1 Feb 2018 1:29
It's all the illegal Hungarians that Vista church is full of who don't like anything, and who grumble at everything, and who try to change everything, maybe they should zip their mouths and realize that they shouldn't be accepted as free members either.

To ‘whatever’
1 Feb 2018 8:49
How do you know that person is Hungarian? I believe you just discriminated against the Hungarian nationality and you are putting all ‘Hungarians’ in one category from the ACCN. Would it not have been better for you to try to understand where the writer was coming from? Perhaps this person has been contributing and feels unsettled about the theft? Also since you targeted ‘Hungarians’ does that mean if I’m ‘Serbian’ I can steel and be forgiven? What happens if one of those ‘Hungarians’ you mentioned stole that money from the Vista church? Would you have been as compassionate or would you have had that person DEPORTED? Ps. I’m not ‘Hungarian’ but I find your comment offensive to all the ‘Hungarians’ in the ACCN church! I believe criminals hide in churches and find it odd how educated Joe and his brother David from Ohio are... it apparently means nothing when they have to steel from the churches bank accounts and kick kids and old people out of churches. Btw... If he wasn’t caught would he have stopped?

2 Feb 2018 7:25
Another church in Southern California (not acc) had a secretary embezzling $200grand...and she was sentenced to 5 years in prison plus had to pay restitution. So this Nicholson character should be facing something similar.

2 Feb 2018 11:16
corruption means:
illegal, bad, or dishonest behaviour, especially by people in positions of power...

favourtism means:
unfair support shown to one person or group, especially by someone in authority....

no respector of persons means:
a person whose attitude and behaviour is uninfluenced by consideration of another's rank, power, wealth

can we see the similarity in the meanings, where every meaning has the word/words/wording:
- position in or of power
- position in authority
- rank and or power

what does this mean, and who could it be referring to...........?????????

What do we expect..
3 Feb 2018 6:52
What do we expect from our churches when these californian "sisters" in Christ are slutting themselves out on the Internet... Just so you know these people take Holy Communion....
It's all about the money/clothes/and lots of cursing (AF means "as f**k") in their comments.

What do we expect..
3 Feb 2018 6:53
And another one....

Come on people, wake up!

3 Feb 2018 8:58
Oh come on, there's no way this is a sister!!!!!

Re: woah
4 Feb 2018 7:26
Yep they are...

According to California elders...!

Sad to see what's happening to our acc.

Shame on you
4 Feb 2018 17:42
Shame on you, stalking on a young lady's instagram, then going on your moral high horse. There's nothing and I repeat nothing wrong with her photos. Go after those that cheat and steal and troll their social network pages,leave this young lady alone.
If you're worried how Pensta was able to steal all that money, it was through money laundering, most of it in Melbourne, through a family member's "fake" business which never seems to close according to the sign on the door, yet it's never manned.

To the above comment
5 Feb 2018 3:24
You must be a man. Those pictures would turn any man on who is attracted to women. This young girl has a dad and you shouldn’t be commenting on these pictures nor staring at them. Obviously this young girl is insecure and uses sexuality to get ‘likes’ and ‘attention’. It is really sad! She probably needs some guidance on understanding ‘men’ and defiantly needs to know this is not ‘Christ like’. I feel sorry for this girl because she is asking to be used by multiple men and attracting the wrong kind of man.

Re Shame on you
5 Feb 2018 8:50
You have got to be kidding when you say there nothing wrong with those pictures.
You're either not a Christian or have no idea what Christ-like is.
Picture this: Jesus walking down towards this supposed Christian you think he'd say "hey girl, you're doing great and humble and meek"?
Do you think a Christian girl showing herself in this fashion is acceptable when it flat out can put a healthy Christian and non Christian man fall into adultery in their minds?
Be mindful of what behavior like this can cause in others minds and spirits.

well said
5 Feb 2018 9:51
to: re.Shame on you

well said!!!!!

5 Feb 2018 12:03
To the person who exposed the ‘SD embezzlement’ and ‘Australian embezzlement’ I would to thank the Lord and you for posting this here. These criminals need to be exposed. What is clear NOW is that Joe Nicholson had been stealing money from the Vista Church for two years, at the same time his birth brother from Ohio David Nicholson Closed down Columbia Station with the Stephan’s. The ACCN elders had organized a cover up for David Nicholson just as they had for his brother Joe Nicholson and had helped the Stephan’s steel the church building and collection money from the members who built the church and the members who were actively contributing. ACCN committee Dushko Dragojlovic, Willy Kurtz, and Mark Meister the word of God says, ‘It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. Luke 17:1-2

ACCN Elder Committee: Is it possible that you can turn back to God and correct all this sinful things that you had done to the Columbia Station members, the hardship, discouragement and discrimination caused by your actions? It would be a blessing for you could.

probably not...
5 Feb 2018 21:01
to who do these verses refer to:

Hebrews 10

26. If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left,

Titus 3

10.If people are causing divisions among you, give a first and second warning. After that, have nothing more to do with them.

bible verses
5 Feb 2018 21:56
does anyone "NOT" know these bible verses:

1 John 2:

15. Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.
16. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.
17. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

1 Timothy 2:

9: And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes.

To: embezzlement
6 Feb 2018 1:42
Correct what they have done? What could they possible do to correct it? They church is gone out of their hands, and for sale; even if they got it back, who would possible attend it? "He" (we all know who) broke up a church by telling both sides nasty things against the other side. Then when it blew up, he blamed it on the "Crazy Romanians fighting." Even though it was him who lit the fuse.

About the pictures: If there's nothing wrong with those pictures, then there's something wrong with YOU.

6 Feb 2018 9:26
This was supposed to be a quick and easy job for David and the Stephan’s. They discouraged and pushed everyone out and when they couldn’t succeeded in pushing the remaining group out they abused the remaining group and forced them out! Their plan was to sell the church, split the money and then blame Misa and say that he took the money to Australia and Europe, George Zulu wanted to take the money to Europe and Peter Oldja wanted to buy another house. Well... now you can have the happiness in selling the church and in the end when Jesus comes you will be held accountable for your actions as we all will.

to the idiots above
7 Feb 2018 23:10
Idiot 1

"You must be a man. Those pictures would turn any man on who is attracted to women. This young girl has a dad and you shouldn’t be commenting on these pictures nor staring at them. Obviously this young girl is insecure and uses sexuality to get ‘likes’ and ‘attention’. It is really sad! She probably needs some guidance on understanding ‘men’ and defiantly needs to know this is not ‘Christ like’. I feel sorry for this girl because she is asking to be used by multiple men and attracting the wrong kind of man. "

Idiot 2

"You have got to be kidding when you say there nothing wrong with those pictures.
You're either not a Christian or have no idea what Christ-like is.
Picture this: Jesus walking down towards this supposed Christian you think he'd say "hey girl, you're doing great and humble and meek"?
Do you think a Christian girl showing herself in this fashion is acceptable when it flat out can put a healthy Christian and non Christian man fall into adultery in their minds?
Be mindful of what behavior like this can cause in others minds and spirits. "

For the love of god, SHUT UP! You lot are a bunch of pussys. Honestly. let the girl dress how she wants. You lot probably prefer the horse and carriage + Anne of the no fashionsense olden day movies. You sound sooooooooooooo sexiest, in saying AND I QUOTE " when it flat out can put a healthy Christian and non Christian man fall into adultery in their minds?" What about you males? Males can do the exact same to females. Even a suit can do it to a duh. Females have a sexual mind too...maybe you lot should not wear suits anymore "when it flat out can put a healthy christian and non christian FEMALE fall into adultery in their minds"....seriously...

I think you'll are jealous that your wives/partners or WHATEVER you have (maybe a pig, since you guys talk like one) dont dress like her.

As the good ol' Taylor Swift song says 'haters gonna hate..'

Haters gonna hate
7 Feb 2018 23:48
Weak people resort to calling people names. No one hates these girls. If you were to show these pictures to people outside the ACCN, people who don’t know these women and ask them do these look like ‘Christian girls’? What do you think they will say? Another thing the Blog/Page is a travel Page right? Where’s the travel? I personally follow travel bloggers/pages and these pages are confident boosters for these women who need validation.

TO above.
8 Feb 2018 11:27
Right, so I'm weak because I called them idiots. Thats not weak. You're an Amish.
I speak of truth. It's my strong point. So yes, i'm strong. You call me weak, but you and the other idiots are attacking a person by what she is wearing and assuming she is not a christian. You dont know her. You dont know her path. You dont know her story. Lay off.

Okay let me put it this way for you, Elmo. Regardless of what you wear, you can still be a christian. Female christians who wear long skirts, shirts, massive boat scarfs, can call themselves a christian, just so they can be included in your ACCN group. Same goes for Males. But most do not live accordingly. And those who do what they want and please, live better than those who go by your dress codes.

Peace out ELmo.

8 Feb 2018 13:39
I think that saying that "most" (your word) who dress conservatively do NOT live accordingly is a very harsh judgement upon those people. Who are you to say hat MOST dont live up to the Bible? Who made you a judge? You dont know anyone's heart either so dont judge.

dress code
8 Feb 2018 15:36
the bible clearly states that you shall now them by their fruits, not by their words or how they can talk.

their dress code is one PART of their actions, not the only thing, nor the most important either,

BUT, their dress code SHOULD indicate that they are christian as well.

i cant say, i am a christian, but i go around half naked, or send photos around so people can see me half naked.

real christians understand, act and support christian manners, christian ways of life and modest christian dress code too.

all others will try and justify the unmodest dress code...etc

TO above.
8 Feb 2018 16:07
I Think I got you in the feels their Elmo.
Its reality, whether you like it or not. I can say the same to you..."who are you to say that MOST don't live up to the bible? who made you a judge? You dont know anyone's heart either so don't judge." Don't be a hypocrite.

And to 'dress code.' You said it is only a 'PART.' (so it is NOT EVERYTHING......duh.........what i've been trying to point out to you ACCN-ers). So if it is not everything, then why beat this poor girl up?

Word of advice - never write the word 'SHOULD' in trying to prove your argument. It is like demanding someone to do something, and it becomes highly distasteful, unpleasant, and gross......

I'm going to call you 'judgmental big bird'....
Atm I have 'judgmental big bird, and elmo on my hit list.

Welcome to the team.

"real christians understand, act and support christian manners, christian ways of life and modest christian dress code too." - Sounds like something you would recite in a nun evening group of how not to flaunt yourselves to the world.

dont humiliate fact
8 Feb 2018 17:03
the bible is what we should be following.

this is the statement.

the part about modest dress code is not EVERYTHING, but it doesnt mean we can dress in an un-modest way either.

the word "should" means:

used to express that it is necessary, desirable, or important to perform

this is fact, that we should follow Gods principles in everyday life, INCLUDING OUR DRESS CODE....

dont humiliate fact, whether its a small part, or large part of Christian teaching of the Bible...

one part is not eliminating that part.

8 Feb 2018 17:06
if you are thinking on cathoilc nuns, thats nothing to do with christianity.

that catholicism.

word of advice
8 Feb 2018 17:10
Word of advice - never write the word 'SHOULD' in trying to prove your argument. It is like demanding someone to do something, and it becomes highly distasteful, unpleasant, and gross..

God's word should be our all word of advise, not a person's preference or person's advise.

the bible is the only guide here, if we are want to be real christians, not partial ones.

show me a verse that a chirsitan can or should go around half naked, and photo themselve and share this with others??

The above verses indicate something.

You indicate a bible verse that allows this dress code of conduct.

TO above.
8 Feb 2018 23:10
TO nuns : I'm guessing you do not know what 'sarcasm' is?

To word of advice: show me a verse that says you can go and poke fun and belittle a lady just because she wears bikinis and posts it on social media. BTW, So do the other 50 trillion people who use social media. Keeping in mind you do not. I guess you just sit behind a screen and act like a know-it-all.

You know what your problems are- to: word of advice & dont humiliate fact and the others who took time to reply) guys are so BORED you cant see past your noses. You lot also need to learn that wearing a bikini or doing selfies is not the problem. You lot want to control everything and because you cant - you go on this website to have a bit ol sook about someone who isnt afraid to show their skin. You lot are so uncool. What has she ever done to you? DId she go online and complain about how un-christian you lot are for what you are saying about her and making her feel so small? I highly doubt it. And good for her if she didn't.

8 Feb 2018 23:15
What do you mean "dont be a hypocrite?" I am not the same person who even posted about thr girl!! But you are the one who said "MOST" dont live up. Well thats a horribly rash judgment to make. I hope YOU are living up because you will only answer for yourself. You seem very judgmental though from your comments and thats not Christ-like at all. Look at your own life as should everyone on here. You are trying to put down the people judging this girl but you are doing the exact same thing from a different light. Christ doesnt care what angle we come from. He doesnt want judges.

8 Feb 2018 23:25
I agree with you, "TO above". Anyway these people dont even attend the ACCN so I dont know why theyre up here anyway. Not that they should be even if they did attend...

the bible
9 Feb 2018 0:33
John 18:23

"If I said something wrong," Jesus replied, "testify as to what is wrong.......

the bible
9 Feb 2018 0:37
Galatians 4:16

Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?

Stop defending
9 Feb 2018 2:21
What the heck is "you lot"??

Defending these types of girls that then go on pretending they're part of God's children on Sunday- is wrong!
Look at what God sees. You think he's satisfied with those pictures where this girl is on the beach taking pictures with her nipples showing? Or her a$$ hanging out?
Do you think God is ok with all these self promoting moments? Don't you think she could have used that time God graciously gave her,to do something worthwhile? Beauty is fleeting.... (disclaimer: I don't even think she's pretty and no, I'm neither jealous nor envious)
I can't picture a scenario where God tells her "you did great by practically showing your private parts to 7.5billion people on the Internet!"
You don't have to be Amish or you don't have to be Hassidic to see that it's wrong.
By the way, those being critical of behavior like this, aren't necessarily jealous. I will say: my significant other has a more athletic and "hotter" body so you can stop saying that we're jealous.
No, we're concerned for these people's soul.... And we know that as soon as we say something to them straight up, they'll be accusing us with wrongdoing like you did: stalking, judging, being jealous etcetera.
I would ask,how is that stalking when you put yourself out there on the Internet publicly accessible?

TO above.
9 Feb 2018 11:29
re: stop defending
I didnt say 'stalking' ...i'm guessing reading isn't your strong point.
"No, we're concerned.." HAHAAHAHAHAHAHA....#jokeoftheday
So if your partner has a more athletic and "hotter" body, how did he/she get like that? you cant exercise in long skirts, long sleeves and a massive scarf....(if being a female) I guess she gotta STRIP that down! If it is a male...well, same deal.
Does your partner like swimming? you cant go swimming in a dress/skirt or long pants'd drown with the excess weight.
one more thing " Defending these types of girls that then go on pretending they're part of God's children on Sunday - is wrong".....ARE YOU KIDDING? You're the one judging.

Stalking comes in many shapes and forms.

To the bible dude - I guess the others are just sweating in their amish dress code and feeling defensive, I dont think there is hate here.

To response - Truth....

Shout out to Elmo, and Big bird if they are commenting on here.

Social Media
9 Feb 2018 12:02
ANYTIME you put yourself out there on social media you are open to criticism… that’s what social media is about!!! And if these girls didn’t want to be talked about then perhaps they should think before they post pictures on social media or not connect with church going people. People from church are very critical and they talk. Also outside of church groups… the only difference is the community setting. People are also free to comment on anyone’s social media page or posts because it is PUBLIC. Everyone has opinions and they are free to give it however this probably wasn’t the right venue for to post their pages here.

Also the pictures people post tell others a lot about who they are. What I got from the pictures is advertisement to say, ‘I’m open’ and ‘sexual’ and ‘you have the right to do what you want to me’. You can’t teach people to respect themselves that takes A LOT pain.

Re: social Media
9 Feb 2018 14:48
I agree with some things you wrote.

But then you messed it all up by saying....'What I got from the pictures is advertisement to say, ‘I’m open’ and ‘sexual’ and ‘you have the right to do what you want to me.'

Open and sexual. laughable.

Thats porn. You are mistaken.

Shame on you
9 Feb 2018 19:58
Question One: What were you doing on Instagram staking young ladies?
Question Two: Look up Mary Magdalene?
Question Three? Why should women cover up so men don't lust over them?
Question Four: What has clothing got to do with your Christianity?
Question Five: Why don't men learn that a women's body isn't for their sexual pleasure?
Question Six: How do you go by your day to day living seeing women dressed in non Nazarene way of clothing?
Question Seven? Out of 2.2 billion Christians around the world are you saying that only 2.6 million Nazarene's are proper Christians based only by what they wear?

So a Nazarene women dressed conservatively can be a daughter, sister, wife, niece cousin or mother of a deceitful Nazarene man that has lied, cheated stolen from others and she's kept quiet living off the fruits of deception but it's ok because she walks next to God.Oh please, this Nazarene faith is the most ridiculous faith out there, you can commit any sin and then say a prayer wait until you die and if there's a heaven or hell you'll end up there. If you were true Christians you would report and wrong doings to authority. You would never judge on what one wears, you have no idea what contribution they give to society.

To Shame on you
9 Feb 2018 23:25
There are people OUTSIDE THE ACCN will say there is something wrong with those pictures. I know because I asked (people who don’t go to church). It’s not just ACCN people that say stuff about those pictures. People can also comment because it is freedom of speech. Btw EVERYONE judges. And if you say that you don’t judge WAIT… you will experience a moment soon where you just judged someone.

I agree that the authorities should be contacted on the thievery 100%. But if you judge the ACCN based on comments they make about women who dress provocatively then you are not just judging the ACCN faith.

2.6 million
10 Feb 2018 0:08
2.6 million Nazarenes? I am curious where you got this rather strange number? Its obvious you do not attend this church. There are less than 10,000 members worldwide.

Six questions
10 Feb 2018 1:02
You are right, ACCN is ridiculous but remember you have to be European Nazarene with a big scarf sitting in Doroslovav church, only then as a Nazarene you can kick out members who built a church and paid for the church and to steal a church
It's OK then
and you also have to be ACCN leadership to protect and support the thief's
Times are sad and pathetic

dont mix
10 Feb 2018 1:55
guys, lets not mix topics.

if we are talking about one topic, lets not try and mix it up with another topic to humiliate the importance of the topic started on.

we are losing the grip on what who is commenting about here...

It's all bad
10 Feb 2018 16:45
All of it is corrupted! Dressing in a provocative manner, stealing, coveting, taking others inheritance, lying, fornicating, adultering, being disobedient to parents and not obeying Gods words. Repent for the time is near, before Jesus returns or your life will end prior to his return. REPENT!!!

Shame on you
10 Feb 2018 18:47
coveting, taking others inheritance, lying, fornicating, adultering, yes I agree with all of this. Disobedient to parents, depends in what context. Obeying God's word, it would be a perfect world if this was possible.
Dressing in a provocative manner, is fine, as stated earlier doesn't matter how you dress it's how you conduct your life.
Only 10,000 of you worldwide, Good Lord and about 90% of you don't practice what you preach.
Praying daily, going to church several times a week, reciting bible passages doesn't and will never make you a "good" Christian.
Go to your local Salvos store you're more than likely to see someone working there, donating their time, with arms showing, hair showing and even legs showing.
Your friendly doctor, nurse, school teacher, shop assistant, lawyer, doctor, you get the drift, walk around in shorts, mini skirts, tank tops they are no lesser people than you in actual fact most probably better as they don't hide behind a bible and commit the sins the Nazarenes's are famous for.

bible teaching
10 Feb 2018 18:53
big words and no actions seems to be common, even on this website.

you shall be judged by your works....

Romans 2:6 states
God "will repay each person according to what they have done."

this does include dress code as well....

we are not going to be saved by our works, but we will be judged by our works.

James 2:17 states
So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

even going around fully naked and you then state i am a christian is ok by some...

works doesnt matter, its the faith inside. its even ok to walk around fully naked, whats wrong with some!!!

well, its not what i state, its what the bible states.

most are fake christians...........because they dont have live faith inside them.......

11 Feb 2018 1:26
How can you say that 90% of Nazarenes dont live up to the Bible when you probably have never met even 1% of them? That is actually a very mean statement and quite hurtful.

To: Shame on you.
11 Feb 2018 4:04
I’d like to follow you around for a day to find out what you stand for as a person in society. You have a lot to say and you seem to be VERY perfect! I believe this topic of ‘dress code’ is personal to you that’s why you are spewing judgmental comments about the ACCN people. Did you attend at one point? Or did you daughter leave and start dressing this way? You are taking it way to personal to be someone chiming in and you seem to be VERY judgmental yourself. AGAIN people who ‘don’t go to church’ comment and it is FREEDOM of speech. You can’t take away someone’s right to believe something is wrong with the Instagram account pictures. ALSO ‘IF YOU MAKE YOU BODY A COMMON PLACE, IT WILL BE COMMON’.

11 Feb 2018 6:22
He was probably kicked out of the ACCN! Ha!

To: Response
11 Feb 2018 6:50
No they only kick out conservative kind. The so called ‘Amish’ type... NOT FUNNY!

clear teaching
11 Feb 2018 11:56
Faith without works is dead because faith results in a new creation, not a repetition of the same old patterns of sinful behavior. As Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

Faith without works is dead because it comes from a heart that has not been regenerated by God. Empty professions of faith have no power to change lives. Those who pay lip service to faith but who do not possess the Spirit will hear Christ Himself say to them, “I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers” (Matthew 7:23).

To all above
11 Feb 2018 17:18

This dude is on the right track.

"coveting, taking others inheritance, lying, fornicating, adultering, yes I agree with all of this. Disobedient to parents, depends in what context. Obeying God's word, it would be a perfect world if this was possible.
Dressing in a provocative manner, is fine, as stated earlier doesn't matter how you dress it's how you conduct your life.
Only 10,000 of you worldwide, Good Lord and about 90% of you don't practice what you preach.
Praying daily, going to church several times a week, reciting bible passages doesn't and will never make you a "good" Christian.
Go to your local Salvos store you're more than likely to see someone working there, donating their time, with arms showing, hair showing and even legs showing.
Your friendly doctor, nurse, school teacher, shop assistant, lawyer, doctor, you get the drift, walk around in shorts, mini skirts, tank tops they are no lesser people than you in actual fact most probably better as they don't hide behind a bible and commit the sins the Nazarenes's are famous for. "

All the preachers on here.....zzzzzzzz.....BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You lot preach preach preach and dont show.

Shame on You = My guess he was pulling numbers out randomly. And so what....he has a good point (or she).

To: Response - Amish type hahahaha.....they dont kick out the AMISH ones....oh no....they just get a slap on the hand and thats it.

Dress how you want. Stop being such big babies......

To "Clear teaching"...................You sound like you go to ACCN and in Aus. Melbourne?

To all above *edit*
11 Feb 2018 17:22
To: Response - Amish type hahahaha.....they dont kick out the AMISH ones...where are you getting that high? The long scarfs skirts, pole stuck up your behind men, they all just get a little slap on the wrist and thats that. Look at Pentsa.

clear teachings - you sound like you would be fun at parties.

11 Feb 2018 22:56
Where are you from? ARE YOU HIGH? Do you know what happened in Columbia Station and WHO THEY KICKED OUT? Btw… anyone who dress like those girls on Instagram are SCREAMING for attention. That’s from a ‘worldly perspective’. Ask anyone who does not go to church. You can’t talk Biblical with people who act like YOU this because YOU don’t understand.

To above**
12 Feb 2018 17:24
I'm totally high. I dont personally care about the Columbia situation. It bores me to death. That is your perception of that girl (' SCREAMING for attention") uploading pictures of herself on Instagram. "worldly perspective"..right, because you have shown her instagram profile to every worldly person...!? And you can speak on their behalf.
I'll ask myself...I dont go to church, (you said anyone)..And I see it as fine.

I'm sorry, but speak english.... "you can't talk biblical with people who act like YOU this because YOU don't understand...''....Like WTF? Dude.................

12 Feb 2018 21:00
matthew 15:18

But the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.

ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupt word go out of your mouth, but if [there be] any good one for needful edification, that it may give grace to those that hear [it].

13 Feb 2018 13:01
Re "to the idiots above" etc. Folks, this website is open to ALL opinions, as long as you express them in a proper manner. We do not want to see harsh words, swearing and insults. Yes, the non-Nazarene and non-Christian people are MOST WELCOME here, but please keep your language within the boundaries. Thank you.

re: moderator
13 Feb 2018 13:22
Well no such words would have to be used, if they didn't act like it.
Some people on here sure do like to crucify those who are different.
Being the same is boring. Thats their point of view, cause they cant step out of their comfort zone and become jealous of others, so they become an internet bully.

13 Feb 2018 13:27
As I said, anything goes, as long as it's not vulgar/offensive. We do not want this website to look like the graffiti in a public toilet, do we?

re: moderator
13 Feb 2018 16:46

p.s., They're (those who commented and argued for being pull up for the lashings of the innocent) woman are wrong anyways.

Shame on you
13 Feb 2018 19:08
We will never agree on a dress code, but sharing a young lady's instagram to this forum and God knows who else in your own private life is UnChristian. If your a brother, husband or a father of a woman double shame on you.
According to this sham of a religion an Elder who lies and cheats not only his parishioners but his fellow man (the rest of the population) is ok by your double standards. How can you go to church and know what your Elder has done and accept all that is coming out from his mouth, as the gospel of the Lord.
Maybe set aside some time, put your bible away and just think of the hypocrisy. Honestly you truly can't be that unintelligent.

re: shame on you
13 Feb 2018 19:18
when u said 'we will never agree on a dress code"? You agree with floor sweepers and boat flying scarfs? you seem a bit vague on that.

Shame on you
13 Feb 2018 19:52
Wear whatever you want without judgment

why clothes?
13 Feb 2018 20:52
walk around with no clothes, without judgement....

well, this depends by whom do you seek approval for your actions...

Shame on you
13 Feb 2018 21:46
Re: why clothes?
If you're baked you're not wearing clothes, stop trying to act smart with your ridiculous comment. Why does what you wear require approval for actions. Are you a fool?

Shame on you
13 Feb 2018 21:48
Naked not baked^^^^^

interesting info
13 Feb 2018 23:35
you dont require approval for any of your actions.

ofcourse you can do whatever you want, and however you want...

Ecc.11:9 states

Young people, enjoy your youth. Be happy while you are still young. Do what you want to do, and follow your heart's desire. But remember that God is going to judge you for whatever you do.

we are fools for Christs sake....

1 Corin.4:10

Because of Christ we are thought of as fools, but Christ has made you wise. We are weak and hated, but you are powerful and respected.

re:shame on you
14 Feb 2018 16:35
right you are. I guess everyone else here is a nazi.

Shame on you
14 Feb 2018 18:26
Christianity at it's best ^^^

path of life
14 Feb 2018 20:54
why should it be unusual to prove your faith by biblical verses?

"what" leads you in your paths in life?

"who" leads you in your paths in life?


who should be?

shame on you
14 Feb 2018 20:55
un-christian at its worse....

15 Feb 2018 8:52
If Kate Middleton dressed like this would people who don’t go to the ACCN criticize her? Look at People, Instyle, etc., and see how the princess dresses. There’s a reason for her ‘Dress Code’. I personally don’t think shaming these girls on this website was the best choice; however I understand why people would be frustrated… I mean if you don’t want to be judged don’t post pictures like this social media or don’t go to church and pretend you are innocent because those images are NOT ‘innocent’. Unfortunately social media can be a destroyer of many good things, i.e. jobs ‘getting fired for posting something you shouldn’t have’, relationships ‘being married and dating other men’, etc., be careful what you post because its public and everyone judges. I believe this topic is pointless because everyone has opinions and you can go back and forth judging people for their views/values without it helping anyone. It really comes down to your upbringing and what kind of principles and morals were taught to you.

re: shame on you
15 Feb 2018 17:48
you're gold. thats funny.

re dress code
15 Feb 2018 17:52
She doesnt want to be judged, i'm sure. But, does that mean she should never post pictures of herself to avoid being judged? Thats not fair at all. If you see something you dont like...big whopps keep scrolling, all these sissy pants are so judgemental and cant see past their noses. Bc she posted pictures on social media she shouldnt go to church? youre a douche bag.

godliness or not
15 Feb 2018 19:04
the question here is are we christ like or not?

in EVERYTHING we do????

whether we are Kate Middleton or Middle Katen....

what does godliness mean.

1 Timothy 6:6

But godliness with contentment is great gain.

15 Feb 2018 22:33
How long have you been living in this world? Do you think that only ACCN people judge? Do you think that you can control people from talking? Do you think people don’t have rights to their opinions? I’m not talking about the ‘ACCN bubble’ here… I’m talking about living in society and in this world. Get out of the ‘ACCN BUBBLE’ and talk to people outside of church. Everyone talks, judges, has opinions and can be just as critical as church goers. I know people who lost jobs over posting something on social media and relationships that have been ruined because of it… you are very naïve and you won’t win this one. LIFE IS NOT FAIR!

its very simple
15 Feb 2018 23:32
godliness means:

- conforming to the laws and wishes of God

- being devoted to a belief, or mode of behavior

- marked by or showing reverence for to divine worship

- showing loyal reverence for a person or thing

re dress code
15 Feb 2018 23:49



re dress code
15 Feb 2018 23:50

16 Feb 2018 0:03
You are a KID and VERY naive. You have probably been sheltered your entire life and have your parents and friends catering to you. There is a big world out there and it is not just ACCN. I also wonder if you are married or in a relationship. I don’t know many husbands or boyfriends that would be proud to share their significant others goods with the world. This is a waste of my time!

Negative ACCN'S
16 Feb 2018 0:42
This is not a fair discussion or debate, you are in defense mode for these girls your minds are ready made up already and you have no room in your hearts for biblical sound teaching.

16 Feb 2018 0:58
You are the type that clearly loves vanity Fair magazines and suchlike to make your selfs feel better,to boost your egos.

16 Feb 2018 12:04
OK folks, I think this discussion has been exhausted. I will now close it. Thank you all.


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